4 March 2018, Sunday

When he saw my approaching 37th Ave. and 72nd St. to meet him, תאומא started walking north (the wrong direction) to meet me just to then turn around and walk back with me. He then foolishly jaywalked as we crossed that intersection at the same time a car turned in the opposite direction than the driver had signaled; although the motorist was of course at fault, unexpected car movement is a good reason not to jaywalk. We continued along 37th Ave. to 69th St. and picked up his son.

The three of us boarded the bus at Roosevelt Ave. and of course ת.‏ ran into someone he knew, but it gave Ch’z and me a good opportunity to chat.

Pre‐parade program and staging, Sunnyside (3505–08).

SPA parade (3509–23). Few photos because it was so cold.

Breakdown, Woodside (3524–26).

SS, Roosevelt Ave.

Bacon jalapeño Cheddar cheeseburger at FOB, Woodside Ave.

Roosevelt Ave. sunset (3527–28).

37th Ave. ת.‏ again jaywalked and in a particularly dangerous location where three major arteries (B’way, 37th and the BQE) cross and then said he was in no danger because his knowing how to jump rope allows him to anticipate the future locations of moving vehicles.