22 October 2017, Sunday

Jogger on 35th Ave. (2164). Working woman on 73rd(?) St. (2165).

34th Ave. (2166–78). JH G’market (2166–76). Sidewalk heart (2166). Couple eating (2168–70). Man dragging sweet corn (2176).

79th St. (2179–86). Dog assisting cute owner (2179–84). EHSQ in the front room of the Garden Sch. with all the distracting Star Wars decorations and National Geographic posters. Israeli flag included in display (2185–86). The sound תאומא thought a dog and I a bird turned out to be a woman sneezing on a bench on the grounds outside the window.

78th St. (2187–91). What a gorgeous young skateboarder entered S’ton Field and threw his board down right before תאומא’s and my eyes as were crossing! but unfortunately I could only record him from behind after he’d passed us (2187). JH G’market (2188–91). Composting and recycling area (2189–91).

Travers Pk., incl. sitting areas, tennis players and views of JH G’market (2192–2202). תאומא throwing ball back to child (2196).

JH G’market on 34th Ave. (2200–03). The sexy produce worker (2200–01, 2218–20) may be the same I saw bending two weeks before. Man eating (2202–03).

JH G’market on 78th St. (2204–15). Brussels sprouts (2206)? Focusing on a particular worker (2171, 2173–74, 2208, 2211–13, 2215). Peppers (2214).

34th Ave. (2216–31). JH G’market (2216–23). Another couple eating (2221). Happy dog (2223). Cyclist on 77th St. (2224). Man carrying black bags (2225–27). Another cyclist (2228–29). Bun man carrying clear bags (2230–31).

Bry. laid his hand on me in greeting as he left the building. Dan. K. was sitting on the stairs talking with (presumably) a client.

37th Ave. Blackberries from 🍋F (19:58). Salame cotto, cheese ends and sour cream from FD (20:27). A deli worker other than S’eed was again there; is S’eed gone or on vacation? Car being parked with dog’s head sticking out (2232). There was a tall attractive dark‐haired man I flirtatiously greeted when we passed one another in opposite directions going out to do our tasks and then again as we were returning in opposite directions.