12 June 2017, Monday

Orlando memorial event by GAG, Christopher St./Sheridan Sq. (0531–77).

Photos of me by שת in his building (0578–83).


– Wonderful that this is happening in Lebanon, but it is not the first in the Middle East as there are LGBT pride events in Israel and Turkey. (17:09)

– Certainly. Anyone can proclaim racism at any time for any reason or for no reason at all. (17:27)

– They can do whatever they want with their creativity. That’s how culture works. But clearly they don’t understand the concept behind the rainbow as a symbol of diversity or even of what colors can be in a rainbow according to physics. I’ll vocally oppose what I assume will be the next step: demanding that their flag be the only one used by anyone hereafter and that use of the ROYGBV flag (or the original 1978 design) is inherently and systemically racist. (17:38)

– The original 1978 gay pride rainbow flag had a pink stripe, to symbolize sex. (17:39)