30 August 2019, Friday

Dietetic soda pop from शाह/شاه’s Deli, 37th Ave. The youngish cashier inquired if my hat were Turkish; when I indicated that I’d bought it in the US but that it was of Central Asian style, he offered Tacikistan to which I added Özbəkistan.

I dreamed I had met P. J. W. and was accompanying him with a small group of other people to the apartment wherein he was staying in the US, oddly in CC. Although I believe there was some discussion when we arrived, ultimately we spent little time together; I used his bathroom and slept over in a different room than that wherein he slept, and I don’t even recall seeing him in the morning.

The most mild g.i. discomfort, which went away soon enough, kept me from attending GA DA when I really should have gone. As often happens though, shopping in the neighb. turns into a social experience.

37th Ave. Saw Cor. T. on line in DR as I passed. As I was approaching F’town, there were J’mmy and J’fer Ch. (from JHFG etc.) walking together away therefrom, having just purchased blueberry breakfast cereal. We chatted a bit, mostly about J’ff O., and then went on our ways. Eggs, prosciutto, bag salad and a rôtisserie chicken from F’town (21:42). Saw the okay manager and Wm. T. in their respective shops on my way back. Then, at the corner of 73rd St., there was أنور and his jeep in all their glory, with his bright white dog Cielo visible even before he or his tremendous flag were. I petted the dog as we chatted, he told me I never seem to change, and because he honestly told me his age, I did the same with mine and he told me I looked younger.