2016 January 13

Ran into Celeste at 37th Avenue and 72nd Street, and she told me about a beauty supply store I hadn’t considered. Went on an unsuccessful hunt for a haircutting bib for Garth.They didn’t have it at Clio, Optima or Fordham, and I did a great amount amount of walking today to go to them all.

Wiki activity

(“Santa Claus’ Reindeer,” Public Domain Super Heroes) {Updated the article based on character’s true first appearance in 1821.}

(“Santa Claus’ Reindeer,” Public Domain Super Heroes) {Added publisher to info‐box, and a link to read the first appearance.}

The first appearance of any of Santa Claus’ reindeer is in an 1821 poem (“Old Santeclaus with much delight / His reindeer drives this frosty night …”) that does not specify the number of reindeer, but the accompanying illustration depicts the sleigh being pulled by only one.

The 1823 poem by Clement Clarke Moore, the reindeer’s second appearance, explicitly depicts a team of eight reindeer. …

A New‐Year’s Present, to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve, part 3, The Children’s Friend, vol. 3, New York: William B. Gilley, 1821. The text does not specify the number of reindeer, but the illustration depicts the sleigh being pulled by only one. (Yale U. Library)

• “Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas,” by Clement Clarke Moore, The Troy Sentinel, 23 Dec. 1823. (page online)

— Reprinted many times with multiple alterations, including in The New‐York Book of Poetry, New York: George Dearborn, 1837. (Internet Archive)