15 June 2020, Monday


– If you are defending the destructive actions of a violent mob by referring to them as “people who are being murdered” who must therefore not even be asked to act reasonably, if you are defending the vandalism of art and architecture, and if you are advocating defunding the police at a time when we need them more than ever in the face of spectacularly destructive rioting and looting in cities across the US, then you and I must agree to disagree, as there are clearly fundamental differences in our understandings of these issues that cannot be resolved on a social‐media platform. Neither of us will be able to convince the other of very much, especially in the context of a post about the appreciation and preservation of historical cultural artifacts, a topic very important to me. 💙 (Fa)

– Someone who used to attend GA (before you did) whom I thought to be quite reasonable has been making surprisingly extremist comments on my posting of this same link on Facebook, making excuses for violence and for vandalizing historic artworks, and even calling for the defunding of the police. I wish you could see it, but then again, you probably don’t want to. (Mi)

– Wow, this is very similar to the discussions I’ve been having online. I agree with you. You had me at the word “erection.” (In)