Sunday, 26 February 2017

Τροί’ was silently passing my apartment door on his way to the recycling room in his stocking feet right at the moment I opened it to leave, so I was very minutely startled.

JH G’market (8775–77), 35th Ave. EHSQ at Garden Sch. I was about fifteen to twenty minutes late and תאומא was momentarily stepping out into the hallway as I entered the school. Since last time (two weeks before), he had injured his arm reaching to the top of his refrigerator. He and I were the only attendees. My smartphone ran out of power after I checked in but I had forgotten to bring the necessary cable wherewith to attach it to the charged power supply I’d remembered to bring. Chat about ancestry, decluttering, upcoming SPA parade, getting a new banner etc. תאומא got into a brief budgetary conversation with the Garden worker as we were leaving.

Thinking I wanted to buy nearly nothing, I uncharacteristically didn’t get a trolley when I entered FD, but when my intended purchases (blackberries, hot dogs, cheese ends, guacamole) started to pile up in my arms, I cheerfully dropped them off on a tabletop near a cashier so I could dash outside and back in through the entrance to grab one and continue shopping. S’eed was pacing all around the supermarket quietly talking to someone on the telephone, sometimes coming within inches of me but not greeting me. As I checked out (23:42), the short S. Asian man who had been on line ahead of me started to chat with me about whether I attended or would attend some Ethical “conference.” He turned out to be رشید referring to weekly EHSQ meetings, and it also turned out to be a surreal conversation because not only did I not recognize him at first but I cont’d to not fully recognize him even as we chatted. It was a bit like having a conversation with a stranger who bore only a superficial resemblance to رشید. Maybe it was the winter hat he was wearing. He claimed he’d bring some of his students to the meeting in two weeks, so I’m hoping his son might be there too. I think that was Esti’s back I saw when I passed DR.
