13 October 2019, Sunday

Encountering my carrying the blue‐morpho container, Tr’y R. joked that using a knapsack would be easier.

37th Ave. (6657–68). दीवाली मेला (6666). Ice and other things from F’town for NYBD. NYBD at QPH (6657–63). Two hot men walking along the avenue holding hands. Van with racist graffito thereon: “No more white presidents” (6667–68). T’masz was standing at the curb facing out into traffic as I passed his building.

Very tall skinny male neighbor came down the stairs before I did on my way back out.

Trail mix from DR, 37th Ave. (17:32). The man on line behind me was waiting to buy the rolls of paper he was holding. بابر‎ was a cashier but not mine.

It turns out the man who had been on line behind me is a friendly cute neighbor who lives in my building and who has something of a plus‐like face (➕✤) thanks in part to his cheekbones when smiling and who used the south bank of letterboxes.