2015 December 18

Photos: Bruson workers; young gray‐jacket man with nice hair on 75th Street between 37th Avenue and 37th Road; posing man in front of Famous Famiglia.

Specialist’s office.

Photos: so‐so blue‐jacket man at Roosevelt Avenue and 75th Street; lipless hoody scrubs man at 75th Street and 37th Road; fat punky femme on 75th Street; Bruson workers again; handwritten street‐vendor signs at 37th Avenue and 74th Street, including “sweatshrts,” big basins full of nail polish; man with matching striped sweater and hat crossing 37th Avenue at 73rd Street; dark‐hair man walking down 73rd Street to 37th Avenue; plum‐jacket man passing in front of the Salem; failure to properly photograph man with big facial tattoos (at least one on each cheek) sitting in front of the Salem.

Wiki activity

• (My user profile page, Public Domain Super Heroes) {First original content on my user page.}

I get a thrill out of reviving little‐known characters, or identifying better‐known characters as being in the public domain. ¶ Characters that deserve articles that I might theoretically start to write someday (or augment should someone else decide to start them): Bérylune; Gilgamesh; Gilles de Rais; the Golem; Gregor Samsa; Henry Morton Stanley, Kalulu and Simba; Milmy‐Melmy; Obadiah Oldbuck/Vieux Bois; Puck/Robin Goodfellow; Swiss Family Robinson; Valentine and Orson; the Virginian and Trampas; Worldly Wiseman

• (My user profile page, Public Domain Super Heroes) {Added a few more names to my list.}

Amaterasu; … Cupid/Eros; Elijah; … Judas Maccabeus; Lilith; … Narcissus; … Orpheus; Pandora; Pegasus; Perseus; Poliphilo; … Rhodopis; Sandokan; … Taweret; … Yama