Tuesday, 20 September 2016

As is often the case, S’eed was leaning against the window at the front of the FD checkout line and somehow looked adorable ignoring me and the world while engrossed in his mobile device.

The character Rocky Jones would be in the public domain if his first appearance were in the public domain. According to the US Copyright Office database, the copyright for part one of the first episode, “Beyond the Curtain of Space,” of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger, was registered on 8 June 1981, which I’m guessing acted as both initial registration and renewal as the date is twenty‐eight years after the initial broadcast. (06:27)

Den Warren, I have a lot of fun reading and editing this wiki. You have responded but you did not address the issue at hand. Although you apparently feel creators using your character should “have no problem” meeting your requirements, these requirements nevertheless fall outside of what constitutes an open source. Blue Retaliator is not an open‐source character if you require (1) that he be used only in comic stories or text fiction but not in movies, plays etc., (2) that your books be mentioned by name, or (3) that he be used as a “guest character” rather than a leading character. Unless these stipulations are removed, your character needs to be removed. (07:07)


– Clearly he’s more familiar with the gender apartheid of backwards Third‐World countries like Canada than with the US. (02:40)

– More of the “It’s racist to ever blame a Muslim for anything” attitude. Clearly, whenever any Muslim does anything negative, the West or Israel are found guilty, even if wild conspiracies need be fabricated. (02:45)

– Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen more convincing duck lips. Good job. (11:45)