28 October 2019, Monday

Laundry, with Cor. present for a portion of the time, during which he sang the word laundry in falsetto.

61st St. (6691–6700). Roof work at Korean church (6691–93, 6698–6700). Donated two bags of miscellaneous items to SAFS to two ungrateful workers who stared at me like I had two heads and who didn’t thank me (6694–97). {Donating some things I no longer want.}

Motor‐scooter work, 35th Ave. (6701).

Flu shot from DR, 37th Ave. (16:10). Wm. T. was present in an aisle with his hand on his hip.

Cor. and I greeted one another in the lobby as I entered and he was standing at the door of a first‐floor apartment.