25 October 2017, Wednesday

Truck worker on 37th Ave. (2248).

Oral surgeon appt. at EHC (2249). Never have I had such a long wait there (over fifteen minutes) just to be registered to then first be sent to the waiting room. Nurse Julia referred to attending surgeon Dr. منتظم as Monty. Seen by a surgeon who’d never met me before in the presence of plenty of students or interns who were fascinated by my rare diagnosis, especially how tremendous the tumor had become and how much bone tissue was resorbed. They could even see from the radiograph that my inferior alveolar nerve was not where they expected it to be. One of them was an adorable blond E. Slav named Тарас К. whom I had to investigate online and of whom I even found some shirtless photos. He also said it was good to meet me.

82nd St. (2250–51). Bought blue underwear from S’s.

37th Ave. (2252–66). At the far left is a hot Latin young man palling around with some vulgar black peers (2252). Fuchsia dry‐erase art (2254–56). Autumnal window and chalkboard (2258–59). Poorly planned flu‐shot sign at Frank’s (2260–62). Bought discount strawberries at GF. Autumn leaves (2264–66).