Sunday, 30 April 2017

Grilled salmon and mixed vegetables from JI, Northern Blvd.

Stopped into DR, 37th Ave., without buying anything and saw neighbor B’bara there who had with her a shopping cart full of un‐matching plastic bags that looked previously used and thus giving the impression that she was storing possessions in them rather than bringing new purchases home, and frankly it made her look homeless. She addressed me with some affectionate term like Darling or Sweetheart when we greeted one another.

The “Keen on Green” handbag (6267–68), seen on the F, is purple.

Persian Parade (9497–9610), Madison Ave. Plenty of attractive men and plenty of Jews and other ethnic minorities. Israeli flag among other flags on همبستگی float (9588–90).

Food area, E. 26th St. (9611–24). Posed for photograph with stranger who referred to me as being in “costume,” taken by a man who was a stranger to both of us (9623–24).

Madison □ Pk. (9625–9705). Saw Rodrigo S., Paul P. and Edwin Y. Encountered two different strangers who thought the pre‐revolution Iranian flag was the Mexican flag, and another who wanted to characterize the event as “Islamic.” At their request, I took multiple photos of the family in 9692.