Saturday, 8 April 2017

R’chie’s place, pt. 2. ME Diner. Talking loudly. “Don Wrinkles.” Two gay men who stormed out. Mike’s sneezing.

Q ride with שמואל a few stops culminating in a hug.

Lobby memo (9181). Decided not to go to LFBG because what JHBG had described on social media as “work” was being described instead by R’rigo as “gardening.”

Leaning man talking on his mobile (9182–84) on 35th Ave.

B’way (9185–88). Stacked tires (9185). Men sitting in front of the Sikh temple (9186–88).

48th St. (9189–93). Workers in front of NWL (9189–92). Found nothing on my list and thus bought nothing. Beverage graffito: “Medium cold brew/Half & Half no sugar” (9193).

Northern Blvd. (9194–9207). People moving and carrying things in Home Dépôt (9194–98). 💲⁠🌳 (9199–9203). Messy floor (9199). Saw and greeted نجوى formerly of TF who recognized and remembered me. Parking lot graffito: “Waddup God” (9204). Staples workers (9205–07).

B’way (9208–14). Graffiti critical of capitalism: “Love over money” and “❤ > $” (9208–09). Too much attention paid to one man (9210–14).

76th St. (9215–16). Did so much walking I needed to sit on a public bench. Balloons and statue (9215). Kids sitting on a wall (9216).

Attractive man in 99¢ Up, Roosevelt Ave. (9217–18).

Blurry photos on 37th Ave. (9219–20).

At the end of all these hours of shopping, I had bought nothing but a plain (unruled) writing tablet for doodling.