22 December 2017, Friday

Second Ave. Encountered Jon. M. (who had apparently been on the Q with me) in E. 86th St. sta. and ascended the escalator behind him. GA DA at Duke’s (3101–02, 6634). Small GA table was already full so J. and I sat at a separate table. After later arrivals squeezed in or fortuitously got the seat of someone leaving, J. abandoned me, leaving me by myself at the separate table to join the others. (See SMS messages with him.) After I’d joined the main table after finishing my undercooked cheeseburger, Lee disappointed but did not surprise me by saying he would not throw communists out of the group but would throw out people he’d erroneously call fascists or nazis. K’yae has begun to call me Mark rather than Ely. I was walking back and forth from karaoke to the table to give a play‐by‐play of my actions, but no one seemed to care. Eventually J. joined and, after everyone else had left (probably after midnight actually, sang. As usual, made friends with other parties singing, the only one of more than one person having the two cute white‐looking men and the S. Asian guy I had difficulty believing was heterosexual, especially the way he was dancing to one of the winter songs I was singing. Also there was a hot, but very drunk, but extremely physically affectionate man named Dave who was apparently heterosexual and requested I introduce him to some hot woman and yet who also gave me repeated firm and prolonged body‐to‐body hugs which I readily reciprocated and later initiated. When it was his turn to sing, he paid no attention to the actual words and sang whatever he liked, not making too much sense. After I sang “I Enjoy Being a Girl,” a fat drunk white woman from the bar came to the rear and complimented my singing by using wow as an adjective at least twice (something like “wow singing” or “That was very wow”). Photos by J. M.