Sunday, 7 May 2017

Breaded chicken marsala at GSD, W. 14th St. (9716–18). {Feeding myself.} I sat in the front looking out the window and it seems a man outside danced in front of me momentarily, but my head was down looking at my food and he was moving on when I looked up. Attractive gay (probably Latin American) men at tables near mine.

A day of awful photographs that make me wonder if I’m losing my touch, being neither able to hold my camera steady enough to avoid blur nor even to point it in the right direction so as to document my subject (6269–70, 9722, 9736–38, 9740, 6271–82), although the photos of the gay couple below came out better than expected (9723–26).

Complete failure to document the sexy, fit, muscular man on the F who reminded me of דוד שװימער wearing a cute, possibly Central American hat (6269–70).

Roasted cashews and açaí/blueberry chocolates from DR, possibly not considered cheating food (nuts and dark chocolate) but in large amounts to maximize the discounts and frustrate my diet.

34th Ave. (9719–34). JH G’market (9719, 9722–32, 9737–38). Handwritten sign with bluefish illustration (9719). Woman with grass trimmer (9720–21). Gay couple? (9723–26). Transaction (9729). Grow worker cooking (9729–32). Corn on the cob (9733). Man carrying a green object with green leaves in the background (9734).

79th St. Fetching puppies (9735). EHSQ at Garden Sch. Failure to document attractive man climbing NS wall (and showing off a shapely behind) to fetch property presumably accidentally thrown up there in play (9736).

Overcast day resulted in blurry photos on 34th Ave. (9737–38). | 76th St. (9739). | Blurry man on 35th Ave. (9740).

Woman with huge multicolor umbrella walking in the middle of the 73rd St. sidewalk.

Adorable, very attractive and extremely dapper but blurry S. Asian man in Roosevelt Ave. sta. and on the E who had great thighs (6271–80).

W. 15th St. (9741–51). Feeding the cat (9741–50) by A & ש. I can’t believe I had a few more truffles! What is wrong with me?! {One big Cookie loaf.} Happiness/coffee sign (9751).

Building façades and lack thereof on Eighth Ave. (9752–55).

Blurry tall handsome man on the E with a hairy chest (6281–82) next to whom I sat after taking the pictures. | Two men conferring in Roosevelt Ave. sta., B’way (6283–85).

The somewhat attractive cubbish neighbor held the door for me as I entered our building, and he was with some tall blonde woman.

37th Ave. Maybe the cute boy sitting in 🍕👦 was not B’bara’s adorable friend because he did not seem to recognize me when I smiled at him flirtatiously as I was passing. Again S’eed and I nearly walked into one another in FD, and again he ignored me to continue speaking on the telephone with his earpiece. Encountered Ken T. and we had a nice if innocuous chat, and I was a little embarrassed to be caught buying naughty foods (potato salad and breaded chicken nuggets in dinosaur shapes) although it could have been a sanctioned cheating day for all he knew.

“Innovation without implementation is just fantasy.”

—Jordan B. Peterson, Live with Jordan Peterson: Free Speech, Psychology, Gender Pronouns (video), The Rubin Report, Dave Rubin, 5 May 2017, <>.


– It seems quite the lopsided comparison. There are certainly similar problems in the Islamic world to the ones you list as being in predominantly Christian countries, including horrific treatment of ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, but you seem to be saying that they’re less worthy of criticism because we’re not all “slaves of a global caliphate.” There needs to be a global caliphate before we can acknowledge the abuses in the Islamic world as at least as bad as the hunger and homelessness in Christian countries? (20:40)