15 June 2018, Friday

As I left the building wearing my colorful Orlando t shirt, a middle‐aged male neighbor gave me a big smile and greeting from the curb.

37th Ave. Street‐level عيد revelry continued with loud music from cars adding to the festive atmosphere. Magic trail mix from DR. The cute new worker was my cashier (898), his name is سجاد K., and I was able to get some shots of him helping the loud slow‐moving حناء girls who wanted managerial help (6848–50).

GA DA at حویلی बंजारा, Second Ave. (See SMS conversation with Nico. S.) I arrived quite late and was horrified that the only available seat was between A’tha and Μαρία, although I was elated that F’lix was just on the other side of A. A groovy conversation was going on at the far end of the table among Nico., Mike W., श्रीकांत and another man, but I was stuck listening to childish A. repeat herself while telling stories of annoying children under her care when she was some sort of after‐school guide and then Μ. getting her geography mixed up while telling about how she’s from JH. When Jay left, I should have taken his seat closer to the action, but by that time J’than M. had already shown up and wedged himself between me and A., and I wanted to spend some time with him. So what happened? A tall handsome Indian man named अभिषेक/అభిషేక్ Ch.* showed up even later, took Jay’s seat and joined in their conversation. What’s more, he ordered a थाली after I’d declined to order anything because I didn’t want to be eating should everyone else want to get up and leave. I wanted to be near them more than ever by then, so after F., H’rry and Μ. left, Jon. and I both had the opportunity to move over and did so. The conversation was already winding down by that point, but श्री. was talking about his Mu. group and positive things were being said about J. Peterson. The man whose name I don’t know even defended federal actions regarding illegal immigrants. Eventually, most everyone wanted to go home rather than continue socializing.

BBG, E. 4th St., our usual next stop, had an absurdly long line awaiting entry, so we walked up Bowery a bit and elsewhither instead. By that point, we were only अ., A’tha, A’drew D., Jon. and I, and अ. seemed awfully interested in what A’drew had to say about Jews and finance, but soon thereafter, अ. left.