19 September 2017, Tuesday

Long SMS conversation with Jon. M. about GA. (See Voice.)

Managed to convince myself to use the new year as an excuse to cheat on my diet by buying some traditional foods in unhealthily sweet forms.

37th Ave. Pretty sure it was إشتياق I saw through the window of DR as I passed. Spoke to my “favorite deli guy” in FD about the rather longstanding absence of cheese ends. Bought a half‐price pumpkin loaf and a tiny four‐ounce apple pie from FD because gourds and apples are traditional foods. Then I entered DR without seeing the aforementioned worker (but did see employee 666) and bought a discount apple‐pie energy bar that also had date in it. {Apple pie bar for the holiday.} They were on sale three for three dollars and so I could have observed the holiday as well as met the discount requirement by buying three of them, but I instead bought only one and met the requirement with two heavier (and more enticing) energy bars that were thus at a deeper discount but had no traditional connections: chocolate chip and crunchy peanut butter.