20 September 2017, Wednesday

37th Ave. (1700). Saw a worker I knew through the DR windows each time I passed: إشتياق as I was going out to shop and S— as I was returning home. Cyclist and window washer (1700). Saw Bill M. walking with a friend and we wished one another a happy new year as it was ערב ראש השנה. One of the owners’ cute sons stopped me as I was entering KLD in order to tell me hot food was not available so I said goodby and left. I had wanted a chicken cordon bleu hero but instead bought breaded chicken cutlets and pre‐cut Swiss‐like cheese from F’town to approximate it at home. There was a kind of hot produce worker there with a nice nose but I couldn’t photograph him because, while I was checking in online, my smartphone ran out of power just as a cock‐blocking woman customer pulled him away to ask him something. I also bought a fruit bowl and an apple crumb pie, and there on line ahead of me speaking boisterously in Spanish to the cashiers was the very pretty new male cashier with the teen‐idol hair, but as a customer dressed in civilian clothing that included shorts. I was buying nothing that was at any discount but the price nevertheless changed after I handed the cashier my club card, and I saw she had given me the ten‐percent senior 👴 discount (21:39).