29 July 2018, Sunday

37th Ave. (4829–32). Signs (4831–32). Fruit and Franks from FD.

F (6951–52). {Unfortunately making local stops.}

9th Ave./P’spect Pk. W., B’klyn (4833–40). Child on father’s shoulders (4833–36). Park entrance (4837–40).

W’media picnic at P’spect Pk. (4841–4903). I grilled some Franks. R. קניפּל injured his ankle (4890). Garbage workers (4892–95). अभिषेक came very late after having got lost and then spent much time with me. Was the handsome young black man who took away a tremendous amount of food (4896–4900) named Daryl? Blue ghost (4902).

F with X. and अ.

Trail mixes and ice creams from DR, 37th Ave. E’vine was walking around working. Some young customers looking at كحل were both amused and unnerved that a certain bank of refrigerators made a Siren‐like sound each time one was opened, possibly some issue with the motor or fluorescent lights. At checkout, the cashier mispronounced my name but I was surprised she knew it at all, so she turned her monitor towards me to show me it said elyaqum in a lower corner.