20 October 2017, Friday

Still summery weather (in the 70s) in late October.

72nd St. (2108–13). Construction (2110–13). Chat with R’da after bumping into her in uniform with trolley.

37th Ave. Dropped off paperwork at p.c.p. office.

72nd St. (2114–27). More of the construction (2114–15, 2119–20, 2124). Man with hand truck (2116–18). Wide woman with flowing patterned clothing (2125–27).

37th Ave. (2128–50). Worker taking sign down (2128–30). “♡XO happy ☺ diwali ★ friend” chalkboard at P’lina (2135–36). Finally gave books, mostly about India, to Carlos in my first donation. Sandy N. in art shop. What did the three attractive men have in their box (2138–40)? Guitarist and then attractive blond (2145). Strawberries from GF only because they were cheaper (a dollar a pound) than yesterday’s.

72nd St. Yet more of the construction, this time with underwear (which I hadn’t been able to find in discount shops) (2151–53).

M’ri and attractive blond (6440–41) in E. 63rd St. sta.

GA DA at Duke’s (2154–56).