23 February 2018, Friday

‎ערב שבת.‏‏ Did not go to GA DA as it was a bit of a dreary night and I was still Boycotting the awful vegan restaurant they’ve been imposing on members for a number of consecutive weeks already. (As it turned out, I wouldn’t have had enough money anyway.)

37th Ave. (3452–56). Went to DR to use their a.t.m. for cash for some purchase somewhere but was surprised to be denied money because I had a negative balance. Apparently, the January bonus for the superintendent, the February gratuity to the electricians, my February co‐op insurance payment and my rather lax attention to the balance depleted my winter money. All I had was what was in my wallet and coin pocket which I think was $16.73. I couldn’t say hello to T’masz as he was just coming out of his building as I was passing. Saw and greeted Cor. T. on my way to the supermarket and then saw and greeted J’sse J. therein. I went to F’town (3452–55) to buy my cheapest staple foods and so got a dozen Jumbo eggs, three pounds of chicken Franks for cheap meat, frozen spinach and the Monterey Jack cheese bar that was on sale ($11.24 in total). {Sticking to a budget.} My intent was to buy cheap but healthful foods that would last me until March if I paced myself, ate some of the canned and frozen food I already had in reserve and if necessary also fasted for a few days. Saw and greeted Gr’g S. as he was entering the bank.