15 September 2019, Sunday

G’rth’s place, W. 15th St., pt. 2. Good conversation and videos, staying past the time the discussion went off the rails as it inevitably and eventually does, this time saying Democrats are Satanists although I understood his point.

Rats boldly scampering, W. 14th St. station.

Surprisingly large number of people already sitting at 37th Rd. so early.

Trail mix and snack cakes from DR, 37th Ave. (06:27), with Wm. T. walking about.

C’rl W. was exiting the building as I was entering, and when I asked how he was, he said he was “miserable” and preferred not to discuss it.

Did not attend EHSQ as I needed the sleep.

G’na’s mother has some celebrity. | Damon Y. died this day and Gilgamesh H. had his fatal injury this day, though I wouldn’t learn of either until Wednesday.