Monday, 27 March 2017

37th Ave. B’bara from the neighb. was again in 🍕👦 with presumably the same adorbz guy from Dec. (9021).

Bumped into Ken T. who said he had “called” me by having thought about me a few days before encountering me and was repeatedly mentioning in conversation how he was intentionally drawing persons and situations into his life in ways that sounded supernatural, although I don’t remember the exact words he used. It was just a brief talk but it was good to hear his essentially rejecting regressive ideas as well as Far Right ones (like his interest in some sort of men’s movement that was critical of certain feminist strains and also of a group that promoted discussion with moderate conservatives rather than demonizing them). He had a cute haircut and told me I looked good. While we were talking, someone on the sidewalk was totally adorably rubbing the belly of his or her dog which was on its back, but I didn’t think I could get my camera working quickly enough to capture them.

Forgot to check in at F’town. It turns out the obviously gay worker with the nice lips is named R’rigo and was this day a full‐fledged cashier. He actually made conversation, asking me how I was and actually complimenting my eyes. That’s all it took: a little flirtation, and now I want him. B’bara was also in F’town, and among the statements she made to me in our very short chat were “I love Trump” and her hope that I enjoy the rôtisserie chicken I was buying.

“Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That’s why it’s good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. ‘Lead us not into temptation.’”

—Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth, by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, New York: Doubleday, 1988, 130.