23 June 2019, Sunday

Cute friendly white neighbor entering the building as I was leaving reminded me a bit of Michael M’phy. Sign about birthday barbecue (6133).

37th Ave. Encountered and walked in conversation with Bill M. from 73rd St. nearly to the supermarket. Hot dogs, chicken salad, antipasto salad, Münster cheese and bag salad from FD (10:15).

34th Ave. (6134–35). Ball player (6134).

79th St. (6136–41). Changes outside the former S’ton Fld. (6136). Final EHSQ meeting of the season in a different room of the Gard. Sch. Only the four of us. Discussing a fetus’ experiences in vivo. תאומא again bragged about how well he tolerates spicy kimchi and also brought up his latest conspiracy theory, that certain states will attempt to make Christianity the official religion. I have difficulty saying no to fatty fish…no matter what it asks me. Not seeing the garbage bin in plain sight. JH G’market (6137–41).

Dunolly flea market (6142–46), 78th St., encountering shaky old Jo and vendors R’chard M. and C’rl E.

35th Ave. (6147–51). Continued walking with Ch’z after saying goodby to ת.‏ at his complex.

C. initiated the goodby hug in front of my building and seemed to want to continue spending time together. When he asked what I’d be doing thereafter, I said I’d go down for a nap, noting that we’d both said we were low on sleep. Although I did later return to sleep, I walked upstairs, collected my reusable shopping bag and returned to ground level so efficiently that I could still see him at the far end of the block.

37th Ave. In DR, manager Wm. T. was crouching at low shelves, and ਦਲਜੀਤ was also there, but gaunt‐looking تاجور was my cashier (699) when I purchased my two packages of trail mix (14:01). Little boy outside was wearing a “Love wins” t shirt with a rainbow graphic thereon accompanied by his traditionally dressed S. Asian grandmother holding his hand.

Did not attend FSE, telling myself it was too expensive and that X.M. wouldn’t be there.