3rd Grade
Home Base

March 8th, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

3rd Grade News

Dear Parents,

We wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for your guidance and support in setting learning goals with your child for the upcoming 3rd trimester.

Your dedication to helping us outline clear and achievable objectives is truly appreciated. Setting these goals not only provides us teachers, students, and parents with a roadmap for success but also instills a sense of purpose and direction in your child’s learning journey.

In mathematics, we are inquiring into the relationships between division and multiplication. We are exploring a range of strategies to strengthen our understanding of division and multiplication. Vocabulary such as split, group, divide, evenly, each, rows, columns, factors, products, and quotient help us solve word problems. We are also learning about the different mathematical symbols. We encourage you to do a mental math activity with your child. Math is fun!

In Literacy, we are learning about generating bold claims or thesis statements, providing reasons, evidence, and using appropriate transitional phrases and words to scaffold our essay writing. Currently, we are reading books about great women around the world highlighting (character traits) their contributions to society, education, and the world.

Reading is a huge part of our daily endeavor, please ensure that your child reads daily and that they have the right reading materials. We appreciate your support on this. Congratulations, Third Graders for a wonderful Spanish Celebration! We have enjoyed your presentations!

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Researching a Topic

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Readers will be learning about a topic, they will look over the resources, read the overview on easy books and skim table of contents and illustrations to glean main subtopics. They will also learn that they will be synthesizing the information they gather about their topic like experts do. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Tools you need to help you with research: To Research

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Redacción de texto informativo

What readers & writers are doing at school...

En esta semana los ecritores empezarán la redacción de su libro informativo. El primer paso será trabajar en la tabla de contenidos.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

En casa los escritores organizarán los temas de su libro informativo y escribirán una tabla de contenidos.


Learning Goal

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will study the concept of area. The students will explore that area is an attribute of plane figures such as rectangles and squares, and is measured in square units. They will measure paper rectangles and surfaces around the classroom in nonstandard units. Mathematicians move into estimating and measuring area in customary units: square inches, square feet, and square yards.

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school...

We will be revisitng the different places we have seen on the VR. The different pictures will guide in our research activity and will discover how these places are a part of a country's geography. 

What tigers could be doing at home...

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

We will learn to use Communication Boosters and avoid Communication Bloopers when collaborating or working together on a group project.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Use Communication Boosters and stay away from Communication Bloopers to make collaboration easier, more fun, and more productive.

Think of new ideas and accomplish goals to collaborate with others.

Choose statements and ask questions that help me and others communicate when we work in a group.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

What are your best strengths when working with others? What skills could you work on before your next collaboration?


Upcoming Events

Mar. 9

Tiger Fun Day
AASCA Swimming

Mar. 12-19

Math Relays

Mar. 15

Friday Feedback Folders sent home

Mar. 20

Early Dismissal
(11:00 a.m.)


Special Announcements

March - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Wilma Bayaua


Mrs. Stephanie Jalil


Mrs. Ma. Gabriela Morice


Mrs. Yésika Lizárraga

Third Grade
Spanish Lead

Olga Salvatierra

3rd Grade Paraprofessional

Mrs. Lizette Richardson

Third Grade
Inclusion Lead