4th Grade
Home Base

February 9th, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

4th Grade News

Dear Families,

It was such an amazing week full of new learning. In literacy, we started our second literary essay now with a complex thesis. In math, we learned about the different types of angles and their characteristics. Also, our students are rocking in DALE practices! They are always eager to acquire all the necessary skills to have a better understanding in each new topic that is introduced.

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Raising the Quality of Literary Essays

What readers & writers are doing at school...

This week, we will provide time to students to revise and edit their essays, noticing the demands that fourth grade writing conventions should look like. We will be pushing writers to show meaning using more complex sentences such as:

Gabriel, picked up the kitten.

Gabriel, the main character in this story, picked up the kitten.

Gabriel, bursting with pleasure, picked up the kitten.

Gabriel, bursting with pleasure, picked up the kitten, putting it close to his cheek.

Opinion Writing Checklist

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Creando conexiones texto a texto.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los lectores aprenderán a hacer conexiones texto a texto, también diferenciarán las conexiones de personajes a personaje con las conexiones de texto a texto. Los lectores deben de poner mucha atención al punto de vista que se cuenta una historia, comparando y contrastando y preguntando: ¿Cuál es el punto de vista del personaje/narrador en una historia? ¿ En que se parece eso a otra historia?

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Los lectores leerán un libro ficción de su preferencia, prestando atención al personaje, luego compararán el personaje con otro personaje / o compararán el personaje con ellos mismos.( en que se parecen y en que son diferentes)


Learning Goal

Students will extend their work with angles and explore attributes of polygons.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students will extend their work with angles and explore attributes of polygons. Besides, students will identify and draw parallel and perpendicular lines. They also will practice drawing a variety of angles and lines, and complete a work sample that involves drawing lines and measuring angles. Furthermore, students will identify lines of symmetry, and they are going to define and create examples of polygons with one or more lines of symmetry.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Homework :

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school..

Students will continue their collaboration with the ANS debate team, DALE NICARAGUA. Students have now been given their topic and country. You can find more information about the debate team here: https://www.dalenicaragua.com/ The date of the debate is set for Feb 22.

What tigers could be doing at home...

They are encouraged to begin researching their topic at home.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and learners will learn to use Communication Boosters in conversations to make sure that everyone has a turn to speak, to listen when others are speaking, and to make sure the group’s goals are met successfully.


What friends and learners are doing at school...

Friends and learners will use Communication Boosters (listening, supporting, negotiating) to help make group interactions clear, fun, and interesting.

Indicate to others that I am paying attention using verbal and nonverbal forms of communication

Check that others feel heard and are part of the group interactions.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Describe how you can show you are listening and being attentive when someone is speaking. How do you feel when you can tell someone is listening to you?


Upcoming Events

Feb. 10

Tiger Fun Day - AASCA Soccer

Feb. 14


Feb. 16

Friday Feedback sent home

Feb. 23

No School


February - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team

Mrs. Lea Silva


Mrs. Cookie Reyes


Mrs. Denise Dukeshire


Mrs. Eva Pérez

Fourth Grade
Spanish Lead

Ma. Gabriela Blandón

4th Grade Paraprofessional

Javiera Sánchez

4th Grade Paraprofessional

Mrs. Estefania Narváez

Fourth Grade
Inclusion Lead