2nd Grade
Home Base

November 17th, 2023

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

2nd Grade News

Dear 2nd Grade Families,

We are getting to the end of the month of November. Time is flying and so are our Tigers learning many many things each day. We are getting ready for our Thanksgiving Feast, we can't wait!

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Writers will pay attention to Literary Language: comparisons, invented words, figurative language and ask: What might the author want me to see, to understand? 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

English Literacy: Houndley and Catina Text Owl Moon Book Understanding Literary Language. Readers will notice literary language if author compares one thing to another, or makes up words, or uses words in unusual ways. Phonics: Students will tackle words containing gh. They will brainstorm lists of words in which the gh makes the /g/ sound or the /f/ sound or is silent. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

English Literacy: Readers will identify special language authors use: made up words, unusual ways. comparisons and when authors play with words. Phonics: Classify the following words with gh according to the sound of the gh (/g/, /f/ or silent): ghost, might, light, through, fright, spaghetti, daughter. 

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los estudiantes aprenden a expresar opiniones con claridad asegurándose que sus opiniones tengan sentido para sus lectores.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los escritores mejoran sus cartas sobre los libros y escriben cartas de opiniones

empleando razones y ejemplos que respalden su opinión para tratar de convencer

a su lector. También revisan sus escritos con la lista de cotejo verificando

si hay algo en que mejorar.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

-Utilizar cartas de la semana pasada y mejorarlas, revisar qué se puede agregar?. Podrían opinar más sobre los personajes,sobre las partes favoritas o sobre las imágenes, agregando razones y ejemplos que logren convencer al lector.

-Los escritores vuelven a contar partes de la historias para ayudar a sus lectores a comprender completamente el ¿Por qué? de su opinión y a convencerlos más sobre lo que piensan.

-Recordar escribir, un saludo, presentación ( introducción libro, personaje), conectores (porque, también, otro u otra) y un sentido conclusión.

-Utilizar lista de cotejo para revisar el progreso de la escritura.

-Escribir dos cartas nuevas y repetir las instrucciones.

-Libros recomendados 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5

-Lista de cotejo.

-Cartel de la semana.


Learning Goal

Tigers will use number lines to add or subtract while solving problems.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students are to locate, mark and identify numbers in the number line and solve double digit subtraction and addition problems using the least amount of jumps of 1, 5, and 10. They will be using bundles or single craftsticks.

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school...

Students will keep learning and understanding the important relationship between plants and animals. They will examine the wide variety of animals that live in Nicaragua and the relationship that those animals have with the natural work around them, specifically looking at how they help plants by spreading pollen and dispersing seed

What tigers could be doing at home...

Make a model of the process of pollination. Remember to use labels. 

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

"Friends and Learners name the benefits of diversity.

Friends and Learnes foster openness to learn about and from others.

Friends and Learners share something unique about themselves."

What friends and learners are doing at school...

They also learn that it’s okay to be different in some ways and these differences are accepted and valued. We can all learn from diversity. In this lesson, students illustrate what makes them special and their classmates get to guess whose illustration is whose.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Draw a picture of himself or helsef in the middle of a piece of paper with words or images of all the things that make you special and unique and awesome around it. Share this with others so they’ll understand you better.


Important Dates

Nov. 21


Dec. 1

Feedback Folders
Sent Home

Dec. 8

No School
Purisima Holiday

Dec. 15

Last Day
of School

Special Announcements

Join us to celebrate our tigers' talents on November 29th at 7:00 p.m. in Teatro El Gato. 

Tickets are now available, secure your seats promptly and guarantee that you won't miss out on witnessing incredible talent!

November - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Valerie Wheelock


Mrs. Dámaris Silva


Mrs. Isamar Suárez


Mrs. Ana Gabriela Bustos

Second Grade
Spanish Lead

Anacamila Zavala

2A Paraprofessional

Ana Abrego

2B Paraprofessional

José Ballengers

2C Paraprofessional

Mrs. Lizette Richardson

Second Grade
Inclusion Lead

Mayling Estrada

2nd Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional