5th Grade
Home Base

February 9th, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

5th Grade News

Dear families, 

Fifth graders had a great week of learning and preparation! They keep preparing for their second debate as part of the Argument & Advocacy Reading unit. They keep submerging in their DALE experience as a way of taking action. In Math, they have been reviewing for their post-assessment happening next week. We would like to remind you we are having our Friendship Celebration next Wednesday, February 14 from 2-2:30 (students only). Room Moms, please make sure to deliver the snacks and treats before 1pm if possible. As part of the celebration, all students are invited to bring cards or treats for their classmates. Please include all classmates in the cards or treats you send in. Also, remember students may wear jeans as long as they're wearing a pink, white, purple, or red shirt. 

Thank you for your constant support!

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Consider craft and authors' choices that shape the content of texts. Evaluate arguments to support a claim. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Readers will be able to think about texts in more than one way, considering not only the content, but also the choices authors make that shape the content. They will also learn that readers approach an author's arguments skeptically, carefully evaluating evidence to determine whether it supports or weakens a claim. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Recolectar y redactar evidencias relacionadas al discurso persuasivo a través de la lectura de artículos

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los escritores escribirán razones válidas sobre su tesis del discurso persuasivo. Leerán artículos relacionados al tema y tomarán apuntes de citas textuales que respalden las razones. Harán verificaciones de la escritura con la lista de criterios basada en textos mentores.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Revisión de las ideas en las razones y agregar las citas textuales de los artículos leídos. 


Learning Goal

Use the area model, invented algorithm, and standard algorithm to solve multiplication problems. 

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will give closure to unit 4 by completing their unit post-assessment on Tuesday. They will use their results to self-reflect on their areas of improvement. Mathematicians will start Unit 5 multiplying whole numbers by fractions. 

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Rising DALE

What tigers are doing at school..

Students are coming to the last week of preparation of Dale. They are reviewing the expeactations and rules of a formal debate and how to stand up for their position.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and learners will learn to use Communication Boosters in conversations to make sure that

everyone has a turn to speak, to listen when others are speaking, and to make sure the group’s goals are met successfully.

What friends and learners are doing at school..

Friends and learners will use Communication Boosters to help make group interactions clear, fun, and interesting for all of us.

Pay attention when we communicate to support others and facilitate conversations.

Check that others feel heard and are part of the group interactions using verbal and nonverbal communication.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Think about a time when you worked in a small group that struggled to get its work done. What Communication Boosters might have helped the group succeed? If you could go back in time, what would you tell group members about boosting and how it helps?


Upcoming Events:

Feb. 10

Tiger Fun Day - AASCA Soccer

Feb. 14


Feb. 16

Friday Feedback sent home

Feb. 23

No School


February  - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team

Mrs. Dana


Mr. Alexander Mercado


Mrs. Ashly Chávez


Mrs. Jenny Harding


Mrs. América Ortega

Fifth Grade
Spanish Lead

Angel Delgado

5th Grade Paraprofessional

Mrs. Estefania Narváez

Fifth Grade
Inclusion Lead