5th Grade
Home Base

February 2nd, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

5th Grade News

Dear Families, 

Students had a wonderful mini celebration to end bend II of their Argument & Advocacy unit. Now, they will continue using all the strategies to advocate for world related issues. They are also preparing for their upcoming Rising DALE event. In Math, they are about to finish their "Multiplying & Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals" unit. Thank you for support at home!

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Ask new questions and develop ideas about an issue. Annotate texts in a purposeful and deliberate way to identify the main idea of a text. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Readers will learn that researchers push themselves to ask new questions and develop new ideas about their issue, then narrow their focus conducting further research. They will also learn that readers annotate a text in a purposeful and deliberate way as they read-to help them remember the author's big ideas and their own thoughts and ideas-and that readers can use their annotations to facilitate evidence-based conversation about the text. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Integrar entrevistas a las reseñas de opinión. Incluir citas textuales.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los escritores leen e identifican detalles que les ayude a escribir preguntas sobre lo que están reseñando para entrevistar a sus compañeros y luego incluir las citas textuales en sus reseñas o textos de opinión.  Celebración de logros y desarrollo de reseñas de opinión.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Revisar la escritura en casa: Uso de mayúsculas, signos de puntuación, escritura correcta de las palabras y tildar las palabras que lo necesitan.


Learning Goal

Use the area model, invented algorithm, and standard algorithm to solve multiplication problems. 

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Fifth graders will be complete another checkpoint as they start preparing for their unit post-assessment. They will also complete Unit 5 screener as a way to look ahead on the upcoming unit. 

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Rising DALE

What tigers are doing at school..

Students are able to have more information and expectations of what a debate is and how is it look like to debate about important issues around the world. They also have been practicing with some high schoolers how to advocate for their positions. 

What tigers could be doing at home...

Students can research about the most important issues that are happening in their assigned country. Also can take a look to the following links when their can find specific information related to their topics. 

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and learners will learn to recognize and respond to bullying behavior with empathy, support targets of bullying behavior, and discourage unfair bullying behavior.

What friends and learners are doing at school..

Identify the roles in bullying behavior.

Use perspective-taking and empathy when I see a bullying situation.

Notice my own behavior in bullying situations and make changes to create a positive and fair environment for all.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Practice assertive language to build their self-efficacy around speaking up when you witness or experience something wrong (e.g., “You should not do that” or “I like my hair the way it is. Stop making fun of it.”)


Upcoming Events:

Feb. 6

Retake Photo

Feb. 10

AASCA Soccer Tiger Fun Day
8 - 11 a.m.

Feb. 14


Feb. 16

Friday Feedback sent home

Feb. 23

No School

February  - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team

Mrs. Dana


Mr. Alexander Mercado


Mrs. Ashly Chávez


Mrs. Jenny Harding


Mrs. América Ortega

Fifth Grade
Spanish Lead

Angel Delgado

5th Grade Paraprofessional

Mrs. Estefania Narváez

Fifth Grade
Inclusion Lead