2nd Grade
Home Base

January 26th, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

2nd Grade News

Dear Families, 

we can't believe January went so fast, February is just around the corner. We keep learning many things, curiosity is our trait for the month. Our Tigers will show us the different ways they are curious. In Writing 2nd graders keep writing Poems all week, this time they will experiment with different structures, they will also match structures to feelings. In Math students will investigate the effect of measuring the length of an object with different units like inches and feet. 

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Poets will study structure and how the experts have structured their own poems. They will match their structures to feelings and they will play with point of view. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Poets will continue strengthening their poems learning a new strategy: Structure. They will use a variety of charts in which they will apply the different strategies on their poems. Poetry Decisions that Strengthen Meaning. Poems Have Structures. Reading a Poem with Poets' Eyes

Phonics: Word builders will be discovering and sorting ways to spell words with long A. They will listen for where they hear the vowels so they can decide wich long A to use. Finally, they will be build words with the long E sound and use smaller words like eat to spell bigger words like cheater. Spelling Tips Spelling Steps

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Poets will continue writing poems: adding emotios, sounds, feelings, mood and repetition, respecting line breaks. Phonics: Sort the following words into ai, a_e, a, ay: eat, say, reach, beach, take, make, lay, may, ray, rain, pain, bake, lake, meat, seat. 

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los estudiantes aprenden sobre el oficio del escritor. Leen y observan cuidadosamente cada libro de su serie, pensando en lo que dice el texto y cómo lo dice el escritor. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los estudiantes avanzan a la segunda unidad del taller de lectura y aprenden

que los autores de sus series utilizan palabras precisas (metáforas y comparación) para crear imágenes

muy claras en la mente de los lectores. Los lectores expertos se fijan en la

manera que el autor usa palabras para hacer que las cosas más ordinarias y

simples, sean extraordinarias.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Lectores en casa:

-Los lectores buscan palabras precisas (son palabras, frases especialmente elegidas por el autor que ayudan a ver o describir de una manera diferente como suceden y son las cosas ) y los lectores se preguntan: ¿Qué es lo que el autor realmente quiere decir? ¿Qué me quiere enseñar el escritor? (usan notas adhesivas y escriben: Esto me hace pensar que… El escritor me quiere enseñar que…)

-Los lectores siempre tienen en mente las siguiente preguntas:

1.¿Quién es el personaje principal?

2.¿Qué siente el personaje principal? (marca las pastes importante en el libro, que apoyan su respuesta)

3.¿Cuál es el problema de la historia?

4.¿Cómo se soluciona el problema?

5. Cartel de la semana

Libro Sapo y Sepo Opción 1 y 2, Libro Geronimo opción 1 y 2


Learning Goal

Students will select and use the appropriate tool for measuring the length of an object.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

In this week's sessions our second graders will be using different tools to measure all kinds of objects. They will also compare and explore how the size of the unit impacts the number of units necessary to measure an object

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school...

Next week, scientists we will be creating an innovative object using recycled materials. They will compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the materials , and explain the properties of the materials they used.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Students can create a new project with their parents at home using recycled materials. Create a model of the project first, then build it using the materials collected, and finally discuss why you used those materials and what their properties are.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Learners and friends name examples of effective and ineffective communication practices.

Learners and friends demonstrate attentive listening, responding, and taking turns with a partner.

Learners and friends use body language and words to show they are paying attention

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Learners and friends will practice speaking and listening attentively, responding thoughtfully, and taking turns while interviewing a buddy.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Point out when you are using body language to show you are paying attention. Nodding, or saying “I agree” after someone finishes talking, are a few ways to show you are paying attention.


Important Dates

Feb. 2

Friday Feedback sent home

Feb. 6

Retake Photo

Feb. 14


Feb. 23

No School


January - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Valerie Wheelock


Mrs. Dámaris Silva


Mrs. Isamar Suárez


Mrs. Ana Gabriela Bustos

Second Grade
Spanish Lead

Anacamila Zavala

2A Paraprofessional

Ana Abrego

2B Paraprofessional

José Ballengers

2C Paraprofessional

Mrs. Lizette Richardson

Second Grade
Inclusion Lead

Mayling Estrada

2nd Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional