Home Base

December 7, 2023

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

Kindergarten News

Dear Kindergarten Families, 

What an amazing week kindergarteners had, they finished their 1st expeditions of Colors, Lines and Shapes and they specially enjoyed Spirit Week. Please read the Expeditions Letter for more detailed information. Next week is our last week before students go off to their winter vacation. On Friday Dec 15th, students will be having an End of the Year Experience, we ask for your collaboration in sending recycled and/or leftover art materials (pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, glitter, sequence, stickers, etc.) and a small healthy snack to share with their classmates at the picnic. 

Remember to please send back the Friday Feedback folders if you still haven't done so. 

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

ELA: Writers will be using a partner to hear more sounds in words.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

ELA: Writers will continue writing True Stories. They will be working with partners in order to support more conventional writing. They will continue to focus on writing stories that are easy to read.

Phonics: Students will be learning that writers check their work to make sure it is easy for their readers to read and then they fix it up using their writing super powers. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

ELA & Phonics: Students are encouraged to write a true story and make sure they are using their tools to make their writing easy to read.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los superlectores deben leer y releer sus libros para pensar como se sienten los personajes y luego harán que su voz coincida con esos sentimientos, cuanto mas descubran  y lean sobre el personaje mas se interesaran por él.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los superlectores aprenderán a conocer a los personajes de sus libros como sus nuevos amigos.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

En casa, mediante la lectura de libros favoritos pueden elegir un personaje y tratar de leer como si lo estuvieran interpretando, cambiando su vos en cada parte donde el personaje expresa sus emociones.


Learning Goal

Students will continue to expand the study of numbers to 10. They will match numerals and quantities, count forward and backward, compare numbers and add. 

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will continue to practice counting forward and backwards from a given number. They will identify whether a number of objects in a group is greater than, less than or equal tothe number of objects in another group. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Students can play Hopscotch to practice countingforward and backwards. 

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Students will understand the true value of the holidays: family, sharing, caring.

What tigers are doing at school...

Students will share their ideas, and their values with each other, and will work together to understand the values of the holidays, but also what simbols, colors, and characters are important to the holidays.

What tigers could be doing at home...

students will share with their family about the importance of the holidays and being with each other during this time.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

In this unit, students learn the importance of valuing others and gain strategies to create inclusive and welcoming environments, including appreciating one’s own and others’ contributions, taking others’ perspectives, practicing empathy, building relationship skills, and standing up for one’s self and others

What friends and learners are doing at school...

The class will be talking about valuing ourselves and each other in this unit, learning that valuing ourselves and others contributes to a positive classroom community. We can show that we value others by understanding what they like and do not like, what they offer to the group, and to understand how they think, feel, and act.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

You can ask the child what their friends are good at and reflect that valuing oneself and others is being able to share what they are good at and also learn from others.


Upcoming Events

Dec. 11

No Swimming
All Classes Regular PE

Dec. 14

Last Day of After School Sports

Dec. 15

End of Year Experience
(11:00 am Dismissal)

Jan. 10

First Day
of School


Special Announcements

December - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming


Mrs. Vivian Espinoza


Mrs. Lorena González


Mrs. Karen Velásquez

Kindergarten Spanish Lead

Sabrina Sandino

KA Paraprofessional

Fátima Jiménez

KB Paraprofessional

Ma. Gabriela García

KC Paraprofessional

Mrs. Auxiliadora Guzmán

Kindergarten Inclusion Lead

Alicia Oviedo

K Spanish Paraprofessional