5th Grade
Home Base

September 22nd, 2023

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

5th Grade News

Dear 5th-grade Families, 

We had a wonderful week of student learning and engagement! Our second Feedback Folders are sent home today. We ask for your support so students bring them back on Monday (you may keep the handout that goes inside). Thank you for your support during this first month of school. 

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Use different techniques to elaborate on the parts that show meaning in their writing. Use scenes from the past and the future to bring out the internal story and add power to their narratives. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Writers will determine what their stories are really about and use writing techniqures to elaborate on the part that show that meaning. They will also use scenes from the past and the future to bring out the internal story and add power to their narratives. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Usar estrategias de lectura para que las historias y personajes tengan (cobren) vida

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los lectores responden a la lectura con predicciones basadas en el texto y de más alto nivel, mostrar cómo es probable que ocurran las predicciones poniendo atención a los detalles más importantes de la historia, deberan confirmar o revisar su predicción. Estarán atentos a los cambios de un personaje cuando las situaciones son diferentes o se encuentren en otro lugar.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...


Learning Goal

Deepen their understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions by using money and the clock model. Investigate the multiplication of whole numbers by fractions.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will add fractions with unlike denominators, including mixed numbers using a money model. They will rewrite fractions with unlike denominators as equivalent fractions with a common denominator in order to find their sum or difference. 

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Flash-draft to capture experiences on the page. 

What tigers are doing at school..

Social scientists will compare and contrat rights vs responsibilities; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of in-person communication as opposed to in-writing communication; explain the rights and responsibilities around social media posting; and describe the costs and benefits of posting on social media.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Social scientists can have a dialogue with household members about their journal entries around rights, responsibilities, free speech and social media.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Discuss with students that there are things they do and do not know about their classmates and that finding these things is how we discover what we have in common with each other and what can do together—even when we seem very different.

What friends and learners are doing at school..

Play a Commonalities Game Board for each buddy pair and discuss the following questions

What did you learn about your buddy? Did you have anything surprising in common?

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...


Upcoming Events

Sep. 22

Feedback Folders
Sent Home

Oct. 13

Regualar School


September  - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team

Mrs. Dana


Mrs. Rita Khoun


Mrs. Jenny Harding


Mrs. América Ortega

Fifth Grade
Spanish Lead

Angel Delgado

5th Grade Paraprofessional

Mrs. Estefania Narváez

Fifth Grade
Inclusion Lead