3rd Grade
Home Base

August 30th, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

3rd Grade News

Dear Parents,

Already three weeks have gone by! Our Third Graders have been working hard these weeks to get ready for MAP. They showcased their patience and determination taking their time on the assessment. We have already begun working on power goals throughout the grade as students gear up for ELL, SLL, TTT and Specialized Learning.

Our mathematicians completed a subtraction table to review basic subtraction facts and discuss patterns among them. Please keep reinforcing reading time at home. Help your child choose a nice and cozy reading spot to read for 30 minutes every day and to record their reading in their Reading Log.

Homework and Reading Logs will be given out every Monday to be returned on the next Friday. We will announce via email when students have a Home Connection.

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Readers will notice what problems characters face and also how they react to these. The students will pay close attention to the roles that secondary characters play in the story. They will ask themselves, why did the author put this character into the story? Our readers will be part of a book club and they will share how they keep track of the characters.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Descripción de personajes

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los lectores leerán y analizarán el comportamiento de diferentes personjes. También utilizarán lo que aprendieron para comprender el proceder de los personajes principales. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

En casa los lectores pueden leer libros de ficción y tomar notas de las acciones de los personajes principales. 


Learning Goal

Students will search out objects based on their length to for an open number line to model student strategies to add double digit numbers. 

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students will delve into lengths using them to add double digit numbers. They will have their first math forum where they will discuss more efficient and sophisticated addition strategies.

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Have a conversation with your child, measure different things in your home and add them on the correct spot in an open number line. Then have a conversation about the different strategies used to solve these double digit equations. Home Connections for this Week. Sum's and Differences. Adding Tens.

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school...

Students will be taking a deep dive into the amazing world of Ant colonies! As students begin to observe patterns in Ant behavior they see, we will start to make a connection to that concept and discuss what we see using the Connect, Extend, Challenge Thinking Routine

What tigers could be doing at home...

Have students help create a habitat by filling the jar with alternating layers of soil and sand.

Gently place the ants in the jar and seal the top with a breathable cover.

Over the course of a week, students can observe how the ants dig tunnels, gather food, and interact with each other. (This activity will help our students develop an understanding of ants' behavior).

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Discuss the importance of getting to know each other, and how finding commonalities and differences can help us understand and appreciate each other more. 

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Friends and learners will complete an activity to help the class get to know each other. Friends and learners will complete the activity by drawing or describing items that are important to them.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Why do you think it»s important for us to spend time getting to know each other?


Upcoming Events

AUG. 26TH - SEP. 5TH

MAP Testing


Feedback Folders sent Home


Primary School Open House


Home Communication Plan Sent Home


Special Announcements

August - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Wilma Bayaua


Mrs. Gema Pereira


Mrs. Ma. Gabriela Morice


Mrs. Yésika Lizárraga

Third Grade
Spanish Lead

Sara Mayorga

3rd Grade Paraprofessional

Mrs. Ma. Jose García

Third Grade
Specialized Learning Lead