1st Grade
Home Base

October 13th, 2023

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

1st Grade News

Dear Families,

Students are very proud of their job as a detectives. They have discovered the Mistery of the silent e, and how this tricky vowel found at the end of words works. They have detective notebooks to write every word they encounter and study with silent e. They even earned a Detective Badge for their amazing work! Let's celebrate their learning together, take some time to ask them to teach you about silent e.

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Reading: Read by analogy, noticing when a known and unknown words look similar , and use parts of the known word to decode the unknown word. 

PHONICS: Focus on studying phonograms with long “A” patterns to make new words.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

READING: Word Detctives will decode new words by asking "Does this look like a word I know?" They will be on the lookout for vowel teams, 2 vowels side by side. They will also learn to be flexible by trying the sound for vowel teams 2 ways. 

PHONICS: Readers and writers will show their power by using their knowledge of CVCe words with long “A” patterns to make new words.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

READING: Use all your strategies from the Anchor Chart to read this book, The Case of the Beep make sure to be on the lookout, looking for words parts you know to solve unknown words. Remeber to be flexible with your vowel sounds and try them 2 ways. 

PHONICS: Use what we practice about “Phonograms: ane/ ate/ ake/ ame” to read the book “All Kinds of Animals”. Remember to identify, write and repeat words with long “A” patterns at the end of the word.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Escribir para lectores, pensarán en palabras que sean directamente para los lectores.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los escritores de libros instructivos pensarán directamente en su lector como si estuvieran conversando con él usando la palabra " tù " , además, pensarán en palabras que describan ( adjetivos ) con detalles cada paso, tomarán decisiones de agregar advertencias o consejos para que el lector no se equivoque.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Leer el libro Cómo hacer un tambor, recuerda deslizarte sobre las sílabas en las palabras difíciles. Conversa con tus padres, ¿Qué te gustaría imitar de la escritura de Anthony ( autor del libro)? Puedes releer la página 5 del libro, Puedes encontrar el consejo que el escritor le da a su lector? Por qué crees que le da ese consejo?


Learning Goal

Use the relationship of between addition and subtraction to add and suntract within 10.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students will use double-flap number cards to solve addition and subtracton facts and compare different number combinations using the signs > < = 

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Home Connection Unit 2 Module 2 Session 5 Due Thursday October 12 Activity 1 Dominoes

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

5-day Science Project: Collaboration & Engagement

What tigers are doing at school...

Represent real-world places on a map. Students explore the meaning and purpose of maps, the tools that help us represent places, the purposes of those tools, and how we use those tools to read and make maps. This inquiry provides a foundation for students to develop their geographic reasoning and map literacy, both of which are critical to understanding how humans interact with geography and geographic features across time and space.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Read this Book called Following the Map and notice how the girls uses the map to get into a place. You can use this book to complete one of your reading responses of the week!

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

1. Learners and friends understand that situations have emotional consequences. 

2. Learners and friends think about the cause of emotional reactions. 

3. Learners and friends use situational clues to help identify emotions in themselves and others.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Counselor explains how different situations allow us to have emotional reactions, for example we can feel different emotions both in class and on the playground. They also learned that each person can react differently to the same situation. Then, through collaborative work, children share with each other what emotional reactions they have in different scenarios.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Having a family conversation, you could share questions and answers such as: How would you feel if…you were going on a train? How would you feel if…you saw a dog alone in the park? How would you feel if…the teacher painted the classroom walls bright pink? How would you feel if… your teacher asked you to sing in front of class? How would you feel if… a group of second graders asked you to play on their soccer team? How would you feel if…Hungry Tiger served vegetable pizza for lunch?


Upcoming Events

Oct. 14

Tiger Fun Day

Oct. 18

11:00 a.m. Student Dismissal

Oct. 20

Feedback Folders
Sent Home

Oct. 24

Parent Workshop

Oct. 27

The Magic of Books
Fall Festival

Oct. 31

Normal School
Day - Uniforms Required


Special Announcements

October - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Gema Pereira


Ms. Claudia Romero


Mrs. Daniela Carrión


Mrs. Ma. José Bravo


Betzaida Oviedo

1A Paraprofessional

Adriana Zeledón

1B Paraprofessional

Denissa Estrada

1C Paraprofessional

Kathya Blanco

1D Paraprofessional

Mrs. Dámaris Valdivia

First Grade
Spanish Lead

Cristina Melendez

1st Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional

Mrs. Mercedes Estrada

First Grade
Inclusion Lead