Home Base

January 26th, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

Kindergarten News

Dear Kindergarten Families,

We had another amazing week full of learning in kindergarten. They have been determined in writing true stories and got ready to showcase their books with Pathways students. Next week in literacy we will be starting our Readers Workshop called "Super Readers" and in Spanish they will be starting a new writing unit called "Writers for Readers", Mrs. Karen Velasquez is back from her maternity leave. In Math, students have been working with adding and subtracting numbers within 5. In Phonics, they have been looking carefully at word parts in words and noticing that by only changing the beginning sound they are able to come up with many rhyming words.

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

ELA: Students will start reading workshop "Reading Superpowers" Unit

Phonics: Students will be finishing the unit of word part power and will start a new unit called vowel power. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

ELA: Students will be using superpowers to actually read words, especially "slider power". They will learn how they starts under the first letter and make that sound, then continue sliding their finger under the first 2 letters and blend those first two sounds together, then finally, they will slide their finger under all three letters to blend all three sounds.

Phonics: Students will learn to make words with diagraphs and word parts. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

ELA: Students are encouraged when reading a book at home they use their slider super powers to read words.

Phonics: Have children find and highlight the diagraph -ch in the Chocolate Song 

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los escritores escribirán oraciones mas largas en sus libros y usarán el poder de releer para mejorar sus oraciones. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los escritores pasarán de agregar etiquetas a escribir oraciones a sus historias reales, también revisarán sus palabras releyendo lo escrito. Repasarán las vocales. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

En casa pueden practicar contando historias de lo que hicieron en la escuela, pueden hacer en secuencia ordenanda. 


Learning Goal

Students will describe the length of an object. 

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will explore measuring length with non-standards units ( feet, craft sticks and unifix cubes). Students will develop the understanding of the concept of longer, shorter and th same length. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Students can use objects around their house and measure length. They can also compare one object length to the other. 

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Students will learn about the forces of push and pull and how they work, they're all around us. Also building our scientific vocabulary.

What tigers are doing at school...

Students will learn by personally experiencing push and pull forces, and will elaborate experiments involving push and pull.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Students can build their own paper airplanes at home with their one unique design and challenge their family to see who can build the best plane.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Develop an understanding of others’ perspectives and feelings, Describe ways to show empathy and caring to someone, Consider how empathy relates to friendship.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand people’s emotions—to feel what they feel. It is a precursor to compassion or when one actively tries to find solutions to help others. Empathy is linked with greater peer acceptance and positive relationships as students improve their prosocial behaviors (e.g., helping). In this lesson, students will think about how characters feel in a situation and role-play ways to show empathy and that they care

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Model different ways to show empathy, such as asking follow-up questions to show interest, offering to listen to something they have to say, or providing encouragement. Reinforce that we can show we care by letting others feel their feelings and by being a good listener.


Upcoming Events

Feb. 2

Friday Feedback sent home

Feb. 6

Retake Photo

Feb. 14


Feb. 23

No School


January - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming


Mrs. Vivian Espinoza


Mrs. Lorena González


Mrs. Karen Velásquez

Kindergarten Spanish Lead

Sabrina Sandino

KA Paraprofessional

Fátima Jiménez

KB Paraprofessional

Ma. Gabriela García

KC Paraprofessional

Mrs. Auxiliadora Guzmán

Kindergarten Inclusion Lead

Alicia Oviedo

K Spanish Paraprofessional