2nd Grade
Home Base

May 3rd, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

2nd Grade News

Dear 2nd grade parents, 

Next Monday May 13th we will be BAS (Reading Test) our 2nd graders make sure they read daily at home for extra practice.

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Writers will start wrapping up their book series for the upcoming End of the Unit and Celebration

What readers & writers are doing at school...

English Literacy: Writers will be adding illustrations and detalis to their writing pieces, writing about "Meet the author" and checking on punctuation. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

English Literacy: Writers will add more illustrations to tell important details to the reader. They will also write a Meet the Author page, in which they will tell information about them and checking punctuation. Meet the author page example. Our favorite series author chart. Our favorite writers. 

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los estudiantes aprenden a  identificar el tema central de sus poemas a través de la interpretación de las palabras claves y preguntas de comprensión. Reconocen los tipos de rimas y practican la fluidez lectora.  

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los lectores interpretan y exploran el mundo de la poesía a través del

estudio de palabras claves y preguntas de comprensión, que les ayudan a reflexionar

y a conectar con sus propias experiencias y emociones. También, estudian los tipos

de rimas y practican la fluidez lectora para captar el ritmo y la sonoridad de

cada poema para desarrollar su propia voz como lectores de poesía.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Lectores en casa:

-Releen poemas con ojos y voz de poetas

- Identifican palabras claves (estas palabras enseñan los temas,

motivos y mensajes que el poeta intenta comunicar)

- Contestan preguntas de comprensión (¿De qué trata el poema?,

¿Qué te hizo sentir el poema?, ¿Qué emociones el poeta intenta transmitir?,

¿Puedes identificar algunas palabras o frases que te ayudaron a entender el significado del poema?, ¿Qué parte del poema te gustó más y por qué?

-Releen poemas.

-Identifican las rimas y la sonoridad de cada verso, descubriendo

su propia voz como lector de poesía.

-Practican fluidez lectora tomando en cuenta: ritmo, pronunciación

correcta de palabras, entonación, expresión y comprensión lectora.

-Cartel de la semana

-Compilación de poemas.


Learning Goal

2nd graders will measure the length of an object in centimeters using a ruler.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

We will introduce the metric system using army ants. Then we will compare centimeters to an inch and to common objects such as the width of a finger. After we will create an army ant ruler. We will use them to measure things in the classroom. 

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school...

What tigers could be doing at home...

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

It is important to be honest, take responsibility, make amends, and forgive others when we make mistakes or have disagreements. This lets others know we care about them and want to make the situation better.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Discuss media personalities and fictional characters and consider whether they are honest and sincere when they make mistakes. How do they make amends?


Important Dates

May. 7-14

BAS Testing

May. 7 & 8

Pathways Open House for new Families

May. 8

Early Dismissal
(11:00 a.m.)

May. 10

Friday Feedback Folder

May 13-17

Teacher Appreciation Week

Special Announcements

May - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Valerie Wheelock


Mrs. Dámaris Silva


Mrs. Isamar Suárez


Mrs. Ana Gabriela Bustos

Second Grade
Spanish Lead

Anacamila Zavala

2A Paraprofessional

Ana Abrego

2B Paraprofessional

José Ballengers

2C Paraprofessional

Mrs. Lizette Richardson

Second Grade
Inclusion Lead

Mayling Estrada

2nd Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional