2nd Grade
Home Base

March 1, 2024

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

2nd Grade News

Dear Parents, 

We hope you had a nice long weekend! March is here now, and we are ready to tackle it with lots of learning. We also hope you have fun at the Kermesse tonight. Our 2nd graders will be practicing addition and subtraction using coins to solve the problems. They will also use plastic and regular clips to count all the way to 1000. We will make groups of 10s, and 100s to get all the way to 1000. In Phonics we will study R-controlled vowels and different ways to spell them. In reading we keep reading fiction stories and will pay close attention to characters, how they behave and change their feelings. Next Tuesday March 5th is the second session for Student Led Conference, don't forget it is a school day for students. We will bring the children to our meetings with you.

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Our Fiction Readers will consider the ways characters act, behave, or respond in their stories, and use precise vocabulary to do this. They’ll read in their own fiction books, using all they know, thinking especially about the ways characters act.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

English Literacy:  Fiction readers will learn that characters in stories are like people in real life—their feel- ings change. It’s always interesting to not only notice when a character’s feelings change, but to investigate and figure out what causes that feeling to change.  

Phonics: Word builders will learn about the R- controlled vowels and different ways to spell them. R Controlled Vowels with R

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

English Literacy:  Fiction Readers will learn to think about the way a character is acting, paying attention to what the character says and does, how the character acts, reaching for the right word to describe the character.  Ways people act chart. Study characters closely chart 

Phonics: Work on the following worksheet and put into practice what you have learned about the R - Controlled vowels. Worksheet for the R- Controlled

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Estudiantes aprenden a escribir informes de laboratorios. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los estudiantes, esta vez llamados escritores científicos, experimentan y aprenden sobre el mundo que los rodea, estudiando y preguntando, ¿Cómo los científicos escriben informes de laboratorios?. 

Escritores científicos, estudian sobre fuerza y movimiento (Ley de Newton)  y aprenden a escribir hipótesis, procedimientos, resultados y conclusiones,  sobre el experimento que realizamos juntos en clase. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Escritores en casa:


Learning Goal

Mathematicians will practice counting and adding sums of money. They will lso practice counting up to 1000.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students will practice adding and subtracting with coins, we will solve problems. We will also count up to 1000 paper clips, we will make groups of 10, 100, and finally coun up to 1000..

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What tigers are doing at school...

Next week, we will swtich from social studies to science and start a new unit about Bodies of water. Students will be looking at and analyzing all of the different landforms that we have in nicaragua. They will look at lakes, rivers, mountains, islands, beaches, canyons on a map and learn how to use the key of the map. 

What tigers could be doing at home...

Draw a map with the most famous landforms in Nicaragua. For example, Masaya volcano, Cocibolca lake, etc. Use labels in your map.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and learners will practice communicating in a way that is helpful and kind. When we speak up kindly, we can share our own thoughts, feelings, and needs. When we speak up, we want to make sure to respect the thoughts and feelings of others.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Friends and learners will Speak up for myself and support others kindly and respectfully.

Speak up because my ideas and feelings are important, and so are my classmates’.

Make sure my classmates feel safe and welcomed when they communicate.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Can you think of a time when you or someone else should have spoken up but didn’t? What could you or that person do better next time?


Important Dates

Mar. 4

Sent Home

Mar. 12-19

Math Relays

Mar. 15

Friday Feedback Folders sent home


March - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Valerie Wheelock


Mrs. Dámaris Silva


Mrs. Isamar Suárez


Mrs. Ana Gabriela Bustos

Second Grade
Spanish Lead

Anacamila Zavala

2A Paraprofessional

Ana Abrego

2B Paraprofessional

José Ballengers

2C Paraprofessional

Mrs. Lizette Richardson

Second Grade
Inclusion Lead

Mayling Estrada

2nd Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional