Home Base

November  3rd, 2023

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

Kindergarten News

Dear Kindergarten Families, 

THANK YOU to everyone who helped put together a wonderful halloween classroom celebration for all of the kids, they absolutely loved and enjoyed it. Please read through our Student Led Conference Letter and make sure you click the link in order to sign up for a time slot. 

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

ELA: Students will read and reread pattern books, slowing down to really observe and notice all they can about words and letters on each page. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

ELA: Students will learn that the most thoughful gifts are the ones that people make for each other and suggest that they make a special book for someone in the community, using everything they know about letters, sounds and words.

Phonics: Students will write longer words listening for all the sounds they hear. Students will learn that sometimes it helps to make a line, say the word slowly, and then write the word on the line. They will learn 3 new snap words: this, is, here 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

ELA: Students are encourage to write a special book as a gift for a family member. They can use their snap words to make a pattern book. For instance: I like my mom, I like my dad, I like my sister, I like my brother, ect and they add the picture in the box below. You can use this writing paper.

Phonics: Students can practice writing sentences using their new snap words: this, is, here by using the logo signs or any environmental print they can think of. 

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los escritores darán lo mejor de si mismos para escribir oraciones mas largas usando todo lo que saben, dejando espacios entre cada palabra , comenzando sus oraciones con letra mayúscula y poniendo punto al final de cada oración.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Los escritores aprenderán a que deben esforzarse por escribir libros de mostrar y contar que sean fáciles de leer.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Podrán practicar en casa, escribiendo libros sobre cualquier cosa que deseen mostrar y contar usando todas las herramientas de escritura, letra mayúscula al inicio de las oraciones, practicando el dedito de espacio entre cada palabra y agregando punto final a las oraciones.


Learning Goal

Mathematicians will identify shapes in the environment. They will compose simple shapes to form larger shapes.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will have the opportunities to explore shapes and patterns. They will be introduced to composing and decomposing shapes. Students will identify shapes regardless of orientation or size. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Students can identify shapes around their house, on a car ride and in books. 

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Students will learn the difference between living and non-living things

What tigers are doing at school...

Students will learn from scientific observations and scientific questions like plants requiring nutrients from soil, water, and sunlight, plants being different across the world, how plants make more of themselves, and why plants are very important for human kind 

What tigers could be doing at home...

Stundents can look around in their gardens or backyards to see all the different types of plants, and encourage them to observe and think like a scientist.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Friends and learners recognize their own and others’ emotions.

Friends and learners describe and demonstrate how emotions feel and look and sound.

Friends and learners foster awareness that emotions can vary in intensity—being strong or mild.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Friends and learners use the emotion guessing game to demonstrate what basic emotions look, feel and sound like. Then the counselor describes the feeling thermometer to recognize when an emotion is strong or mild.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

When you read a story you can ask the child: how does this character feel? What cues can you see, hear, or feel to understand the character's emotion?


Upcoming Events

Nov. 7-15

PS Student Led Conferences

Nov. 9

Donuts with Dad

Nov. 10

End of First Trimester

Nov. 13-17

Book Fair

Nov. 15

No School


Special Announcements

November - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming


Mrs. Vivian Espinoza


Mrs. Lorena González


Mrs. Karen Velásquez

Kindergarten Spanish Lead

Sabrina Sandino

KA Paraprofessional

Fátima Jiménez

KB Paraprofessional

Ma. Gabriela García

KC Paraprofessional

Mrs. Auxiliadora Guzmán

Kindergarten Inclusion Lead

Alicia Oviedo

K Spanish Paraprofessional