2nd Grade
Home Base

September 1st, 2023

Birthday Slip

2nd Grade News

Dear 2nd Grade Families, 

Week #4 has ended and it's been incredible to see how our Tigers are more engaged as readers, writers and Mathematicians. Students continue practicing their daily routines and how to be Tiger friends. This week our tigers worked hard during Math by using their number racks, work places and odd and even numbers. As readers, they have started to scoop bigger phrases while reading, jotting down notes to keep track their ideas and how to read as second graders. This upcoming week, please do not forget to sign Up for our Open House: Ms. Valerie 2A, 2B Ms. Dámaris and Ms. Isamar 2C. Friday, Sept. 8th our Tigers have Big Question Day. Last week for 2B swimming class. Please find below our next week's learning focus. 

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Readers will start paying close attention to tricky words and how to use the right strategies to tackle them to find meaning to their stories. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

English Literacy: Readers will learn to pay close attention to the middle of tricky words encountering vowel teams. They will also find meaning to the story by reading tricky words, and they will use strategies to check themselves to fix their mistakes while reading. 

Phonics: Students will learn the use of puntuaction, like capital letters, and how to place them in the correct places in a sentence or paragraph. In addition, they will explore words that have the same sound but different spelling called Homophones. UseCapitalLettersFor_COLOR.pdf 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...


Choose 10 homophones from these cards and write funny sentences or tongue twisters with them. For example: Which witch will choose which witch costume? English Literacy: Find a just-right book and practice the strategies learned at school. When words are tricky

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Estudiantes aprenderan estrategias de otros escritores para hacer su historias poderosas.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

En esta semana iniciaremos la segunda unidad de estudio donde los estudiantes aprenderán estrategias para mejorar sus escritos, revisaran con intención sus propias narraciones. Reflexionaran sobre lo que están haciendo como escritores y aprenderán de otros escritores a escribir partes poderosas

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Los estudiantes pueden escribir partes en su historias que provoquen un sentimiento o una reacción fuerte en los lectores; intentaran que sus lectores se rían a carcajadas, se sientan tristes o vean algo bonito. Estudiaran y agregaran metáforas en sus escritos para hacer sentir a su lector Cartel de la semana 


Learning Goal

Students will fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

2nd Graders will play a new work place "What's the Difference? " in which they will compare two groups and figure out the difference between their scores for each round. 

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Students will understand that communities work together to come out with solutions to face challenges in meeting their needs and wants. 

What scientists are doing at school...

Students will discuss and think about how a community is not just a bunch of individual “mes” living in a shared space but also a collective “we” that interacts, grows and tries to solve issues. This inquiry challenges them to understand that through businesses, town organizations, and local governments, a community meets the needs and wants of its people, finding strength in collective efforts to address problems.

What scientists could be doing at home...

Students can write in their journals how people in their community come together to solve the problems. 

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Learners and friends Think about the importance of getting to know each other. Discover commonalities and differences between them. Understand and appreciate each other more.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Counselors describes to them what it means to have things in common and things different between each one with simple examples. Then, through the game getting to know each other, they interact, ask and answer about common interest and different interests (favorite movie, favorite book, favorite animal, etc.)

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

Can you ask your child at home, what things do you have in common with your classmates? What things do you have differently with your classmates? Remind them that the community in the class is diverse, each one is unique and we can learn from each other.


Important Dates

Sep. 5

Home Communication Plans sent to Parents

Sept. 6

Primary School
Tiger Experience

Sept. 11

Early Dismissal
(12:30 PM)

Sept. 12-15

Fiestas Patrias

Sep. 22

Feedback Folders
Sent Home


September - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Valerie Wheelock


Mrs. Dámaris Silva


Mrs. Isamar Suárez


Mrs. Ana Gabriela Bustos

Second Grade
Spanish Lead

Perla Pérez

2A Paraprofessional

Ana Abrego

2B Paraprofessional

José Ballengers

2C Paraprofessional

Mrs. Lizette Richardson

Second Grade
Inclusion Lead

Mayling Estrada

2nd Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional