1st Grade
Home Base

November 10th, 2023

Parent-Student Handbook

Birthday Slip

1st Grade News

Dear 1st Grade Families,

We are happy to see how our students developed and grew a lot over the week by taking the role of word detectives and reading books. As powerful readers and writers, our students learned how to study new words by solving mysteries. Thank you for being part of our “1st Literacy Celebration”. As you can evidence, our students are so motivated and they never give up. In math, we practiced story problems and made powerful demonstrations with our number rack . Our hands and eyes were very busy because we were working on observations related to “how a bird builds its nest.” We reflected on how the creation of a nest is important to the development of a baby bird. It is wonderful to watch our first graders as they expand their knowledge and learn new things !

Our students achieved many of their goals by celebrating, learning, demonstrating, creating and playing an inclusive and nurturing learning environment that was full of interaction, reflective attitude and positive energy. What amazing things happened to us this week. Next week we will continue with more celebrations with the upcoming “Student Led Conference” (SLC), where we will be celebrating your child’s learning!

Thank you for your continued support.

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Reading: Revisit strategies taught for becoming a word detective.

PHONICS: Focus on studying the strategy for solving two syllable words with double consonants in the middle.

What readers & writers are doing at school...

READING: Word detective are wrapping up the writing unit, we are revisiting strategies to become better readers everyday. Such as, good reading partner habits. Taking time to reread to make our reading smooth, as well as scooping up words. 

PHONICS: Readers and writers will study the strategy for solving two syllable words with double consonants in the middle. They will see how interesting and easy it is to break these words apart, splitting the consonants, and then can solve each smaller part before putting the parts together to solve the whole word.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Reading: Take the time to reas Funny Food with your child, use teh anchor charts to practice the strategies for good partner reading habits. 

PHONICS: Use what we practice about “Word Detectives Take an Even Closer Look !” to read the book “Funny Food”. Now, get words from the book with double consonants in the middle, break these words apart and then put them together. Example: Kitten / Kit - ten. Show this strategy to a family member using the words from the book.

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Se prepararán para el nuevo taller de Lectura, aprendiendo sobre palabras que nombran animales,personas,lugares y cosas.( Sustantivos)

What readers & writers are doing at school...

En esta semana los escritores se prepararán para dar inicio al taller de lectura convirtiéndose en lectores de libros informativos, aprendiendo sobre sustantivos comunes y sustantivos propios,además, reforzarán el uso de adjetivo para describir al sustantivo.

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Leerán el libro ¿Dónde duermes? y prestarás mucha atención a palabras que nombran a los animales, anótalas en una nota adhesiva. ¿Qué tipo de sustantivo es? ¿Común o propio? Conversa con tus padres.


Learning Goal

Solve subtraction story problems with minuends to 20 involving situations of comparing.

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Students will be using the number rack to compare two quantities to find the difference. (Subtraction)

What mathematicians could be doing at home...

Use the number rack to show the following quantities 18, 13, 11, 15. Number Rack. Home Connection Unit 3 Module 2 Session 5 page 1. Page 2. Due on Thursday, Novemebr 16

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

Understand how adult birds engage in behaviors that help their young survive in the natural world

What tigers are doing at school...

Students will construct an explanation of their learning by producing a poster to explain their understanding.

What tigers could be doing at home...

Watch this Video, write powerful observation on how parent birds take care and protect the babies.

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

This unit will be about “Valuing Each Other.” Learners and friends will think about ways we can show each other that everyone matters in our classroom. Understand what we are good at and what we like to do and stand up for each other if we think someone is being treated unfairly.

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Counselor gives a lesson on the importance of valuing each other. Valuing ourselves and others contributes to a positive classroom community. We can understand what they like and what they don't like and we can understand how they think, feel and act.

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

You can encourage children to draw what they are good at and share it at home. Parents can also draw a picture that shows what they are good at and reflect on how we can learn from each other.


Upcoming Events

Nov. 7-15

PS Student Led Conferences

Nov. 10

End of First Trimester

Nov. 13-17

Book Fair

Nov. 15

No School

Nov. 21



Gratitude Feast Important Information

If your child(ren) will not be attending the Gratitude Feast on November 21st, please fill out this form: https://forms.ans.edu.ni/gratitude-feast-attendance/.

Student attendance must be confirmed no later than next Friday November 17th, otherwise your account will be charged.It's important for us to know, as each student has a designated buddy, and we want to ensure no one is left alone on the day of the feast.

Special Announcements

Noviembre - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Gema Pereira


Ms. Claudia Romero


Mrs. Daniela Carrión


Mrs. Ma. José Bravo


Betzaida Oviedo

1A Paraprofessional

Adriana Zeledón

1B Paraprofessional

Denissa Estrada

1C Paraprofessional

Kathya Blanco

1D Paraprofessional

Mrs. Dámaris Valdivia

First Grade
Spanish Lead

Cristina Melendez

1st Grade
Spanish Paraprofessional

Mrs. Mercedes Estrada

First Grade
Inclusion Lead