Home Base

August 18th, 2023

Birthday Slip

Kindergarten News

Good Afternoon Kindergarten Families,

Kindergarteners had a great first full week of school! In English Literacy they continue to get familiarized with the tiger traits and expectations. Students were introduced to their writing workshop routines and were excited to choose their 1st wellness activity and studios they will be joining during their first cycle of Big Questions Day on Monday!

In Spanish, they will be starting a new reading unit "We are Readers". In math, we had a fun exploration about shoes! We counted shoes, sorted them by attributes and decided which group had the most and the least amount. They learned our new math workplace routines. In phonics, they are all falling in love with our mascot, Mabel! 

Mark your calendars for Wednesday Aug 23rd at 7:10am. The Kindergarten team would like to invite you to our 1st Parent Workshop that we will be providing. Please click here for more information, and here is the Sign up sheet. 

On another note, we wanted to remind you about the option your child has during their Lunch time. If you would like your child to eat from Cocina con Pasion please click on the following link for the steps in English and in Spanish in order to create an account. Here is the Menu for the month of August. Please let us know beforehand if your child will be eating from Cocina con Pasion or from their lunch box. 

Thanks again for all your support. 

Weekly Learning Goals & Tasks

English Literacy

Learning Goal

Students will be starting our first writing unit "Launching Writers Workshop" putting in place all of the routines established. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Writers Workshop: Students will be learning that Writers use words as well as pictures to teach people what they know. Writers will learn how to strech out words by saying words slowly in order to label their pictures and add to their writing piece. 

Phonics: Students will continue with their name study by analizing letters in names and comparing names that begin with the same letters. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Writers Workshop: Have your child draw a picture. Then, add labels and details. 

Phonics: Ask your child about the letter M, the sound it makes and what they can find in their house that Mabel would like (milk, mirror, macaroni, mom). 

Spanish Literacy

Learning Goal

Los lectores iniciarán su primer taller de lectura poniendo en practica todas las rutinas aprendidas. 

What readers & writers are doing at school...

Iniciamos nuestro primer taller de lectura " Somos Lectores". Los lectores aprenderán que pueden leer el mundo a través de libros informativos enfocándonos en los dibujos, aprenderán que los lectores releen para aumentar su resistencia a la lectura para llegar a 10 minutos. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

En casa reforzar la resistencia a la lectura y la re-lectura (volver a leer los libros,) pueden iniciar con un cronometro de 5 minutos y luego ir aumenado hasta que los niños lleguen a 10 min. Es importante que refuercen en casa lo aprendido en la escuela. 


Learning Goal

Students will be introduce to the structure of five through the five frame tool. 

What mathematicians are doing at school...

Mathematicians will be introduce to the structure of the five. They will use the five frame in order to provide opportunities for combining quantities in the range of 1-5. Students will develop the critical skills of one to one correspondance, cardinality and subitizing. 

What readers & writers could be doing at home...

Students can use different objects around the house to make groups of five. 

Science or Social Studies

Learning Goal

What scientists are doing at school...

What scientists could be doing at home...

Social Emotional Learning Program

Learning Goal

Learners and friends learn the purpose of the relaxation station

Learners and friends practice relaxation choices step by step to get calm

What friends and learners are doing at school...

Counselor models 4 relaxation techniques with explicit demonstrations

What friends and learners could be practicing at home...

You can reinforce at home modeling step by step using the relaxation station choices poster


Upcoming Events

Aug. 22

MAP Testing Begins
Grades 3-5

Aug. 23

Parent Workshop

Aug. 23

PEP Starts
(Primary Extracurricular Program)

Aug. 29

School Photos
Sessions Start

Sep. 1

Feedback Folders
Sent Home

Sept. 6

Primary School
Tiger Experience
(Open House 4-6pm)


Important Information:

August - Calendar


Big Questions Day

Meet the Team!

Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming


Mrs. Vivian Espinoza


Mrs. Lorena González


Mrs. Karen Velásquez

Kindergarten Spanish Lead

Sabrina Sandino

KA Paraprofessional

Fátima Jiménez

KB Paraprofessional

Ma. Gabriela García

KC Paraprofessional

Mrs. Auxiliadora Guzmán

Kindergarten Inclusion Lead

Alicia Oviedo

K Spanish Paraprofessional