
Title: Spellbound

Author: Diane

Pairing: Ryan/Taylor

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is an AU-ish future fic which contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Having two children under the age of five meant they didn't always have a lot of time for themselves; they were usually both so exhausted by the end of the evening that all they wanted to do was get some sleep so when Sandy and Kirsten had offered to take the kids for the weekend, they'd both jumped at the chance for some longed for alone time.

Author's Notes: This was inspired by an article I recently read on Cosmopolitan Magazine’s website.

Knowing her husband was going to be arriving home very soon from dropping their two kids off with their grandparents, Taylor checked her appearance in the full length mirror situated inside her walk-in closet. The blood red silk chemise with its black lace overlay skimmed the tops of her thighs, just about hiding the matching panties she wore beneath it. Its fitted bodice-style top half had pushed her breasts up and together, thus creating a nice, deep cleavage. Turning sideways, she couldn't help but admire the five inch high heels that encased her feet. The peep-toe pumps were made of black patent leather and they had a red and black lace trim which meant they went perfectly with her outfit. As soon as she'd seen them in the store she knew she had to have them.

Taking a step closer to the mirror, Taylor gave her smoky eye make-up and glossy brick red lips a final inspection before heading into the bedroom to wait for Ryan's imminent arrival.

Having two children under the age of five meant they didn't always have a lot of time for themselves; they were usually both so exhausted by the end of the evening that all they wanted to do was get some sleep so when Sandy and Kirsten had offered to take the kids for the weekend, they'd both jumped at the chance for some longed for alone time. Not much embarrassed Taylor Atwood but she remembered blushing to the roots of her hair when her in-laws looked at each other and laughed knowingly at the young couple’s eager acceptance.


Hearing the low timbre of his voice announcing his arrival made her tummy flip-flop with expectation. "I'm upstairs," she called out. Quickly, she ran her fingers through her hair to make sure it still bore the tousled effect she wanted and standing by their queen size bed, one hand on her hip, Taylor twirled a lock of auburn hair around her finger.

"Wow!" Ryan exclaimed as he entered the room and saw the sexy sight that greeted him.

"You like?"

"I love," he told her, his voice a husky whisper. His eyes roamed all over her, taking in every gorgeous inch, and he felt himself instantly grow hard. "You look amazing, baby."

Sashaying over to him, Taylor twined her arms around his neck and nuzzled her nose against his before capturing his lips in a ravenous kiss. She melted into him as his large hands slid over the silky fabric she wore, pulling her in even closer to his body, and upon feeling his erection pressing into her stomach, she slowly began undulating her hips.

"You feel so good," Ryan murmured, his lips dropping wet, open-mouthed kisses along the slender column of her neck.

"So do you," she whispered, tilting her head to the side to give him better access. When, a moment later, Taylor felt his fingers sliding up the inside of her right thigh, she held her breath in anticipation, knowing only too well what was going to happen next. But instead of him touching her where she craved him to, Ryan traced invisible patterns on her other thigh and drawing back from him slightly she saw the smirk etched onto his face.

"What?" he asked, chuckling softly.

"You know what?" Taylor told him. A second later, her eyes fluttered closed, her lips forming a perfect 'o', as he slid two fingers back and forth along the already damp crotch of her panties. "Oh God... yessss..."

Tangling his fingers in her hair, Ryan covered her mouth and kissed her hard and deep, his tongue slipping between her parted lips to tangle playfully with her own. So consumed was he by the familiar taste and sensation of kissing her that he almost missed her unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, but he sure as hell didn't miss the feel of her palming the underside of his cock. Her skin was so soft and he gasped into her mouth when she began sliding her hand up and down his shaft, gently squeezing the base before caressing his balls. "Fuck!"

Taylor giggled against his lips. "All in good time, honey." Removing her hand from him, she made fast work of getting him out of his clothes and she licked her lips appraisingly as she looked him over. His body was perfect... taut and muscular without being overly so.

"Now you," Ryan told her, running a blunt fingernail over the swell of each of her breasts. He didn't fail to notice the way her body trembled from that little action and he smiled with satisfaction. He watched raptly as his wife grabbed the hem of the scrap of silk she wore and slowly drew it up her body, displaying her gorgeous curves for him. The tiny bows at the sides of her panties weren't in place for much longer and in just a matter of moments she was as naked as he was. The only thing left were her sexy spiked heels and, he had to admit, he was hoping she was planning on keeping them on.

Taking his hand in hers, Taylor led him over to their bed and turning to face him, she sat down on the corner.

"Lay down," he commanded and she immediately complied, leaving her legs and shoes dangling over the end of the bed. Leaning over her, Ryan kept his weight on his feet, his forearms resting either side of her.

Their mouths met in a dirty, visceral kiss and he wasted no time in thrusting inside of her. A loud moan tore from her throat and raising her legs, she wrapped them around his torso before laying her calves on his back and letting him feel the length of the heels of her shoes. As Ryan pumped into her harder and faster, she pressed down a little so that they were gently digging into his skin. The deep growl he suddenly released made the faint stirrings of the orgasm already swirling in the pit of her belly feel so much stronger.

Shifting his position slightly so that he was a little more upright, Ryan stilled his hips while he slipped a hand between their sweat-slick bodies and began furiously rubbing Taylor's clit.

"Oh God, no! Don't stop... please don't stop," she begged, lowering her legs so they were now pressing into his firm butt in an attempt to get him moving again.

He smirked down at her before fusing their lips together. "You're so fucking sexy," he told her as he slowly began moving, sliding in and out of her tight wet heat. He groaned when she began flexing her pelvic muscles around his cock and he knew it wasn't going to take much more to send them both careening over the proverbial edge. Laying down on top of her once more, he felt her diamond-hard nipples rubbing deliciously against the planes of his chest and burying his face in the crook of her neck, he breathed her in, revelling in her natural scent.


Doing as requested, he began pounding into her, the sharp bite of her nails pressing into the middle of his back spurring him on. It only took a few more thrusts and she was coming hard, her juices coating his cock while his name repeatedly fell from her lips.

Knowing he wasn't far behind, Taylor clenched her pussy around his shaft on every upstroke, almost as if she was trying to keep him inside of her. If she wasn't so turned on and focused on helping bring about his own climax, she would've found the strength to laugh at the way Ryan's eyes almost rolled into the back of his head.

Brushing her fingers through his blonde hair, she directed his mouth to hers and kissed him softly before kissing a path along his cheek until she arrived at his ear. "I love the way you feel inside of me, baby... so big… so hard.” Licking the shell of his ear, she grazed her teeth against the lobe, whispering hotly, “I can't get enough of you..."

The tingling in the base of Ryan’s spine grew stronger and he tightly gripped the comforter they were lying on as he rocked his lower half even more powerfully into her, resulting in his body finally exploding in a tremendous orgasm. Little sparks of electricity seemed to be coursing through his veins and into Taylor's body if the way she was shivering underneath him was anything to go by. His bones felt as if they had turned into liquid and he laid on top of her for what felt like an eternity before he managed to shift over onto his side.

"Are you okay?" he asked once he'd regained the ability to speak.

"Mmm, I'm better than okay," she replied, tracing a fingertip over his bicep. "I, uh, didn't hurt you, did I? Pressing my high heels into you, I mean?"

Laughing, he shook his head. "No, it actually felt good. Really good."


"Oh yeah," he drawled, his blue eyes darkening again as he remembered how it added something extra to what was an already explosive encounter between them. "What made you do it?"

Flashing him a sexy smile, she said, "I read an article about it in a magazine and I thought it was something we could try."

Cupping her face in his palm, he leaned over her and suckled on first her top lip and then her bottom one. "You know what? I think we should get you a subscription to that magazine."


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