
Title: Celebration

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set post Season 5 so everything up to and including it. The story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: “I don’t have to wear the tie, do I, Hales?” When he finally looked over at her, his eyes did a double-take and his sharp intake of breath was clearly audible. “Wow!”

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for The Romantics 800th Thread over on the OTH Fanforum board. A special thank you goes to the lovely Viv for her help and support with this. You’re the bestest! *hugs*

It's also been written for my fanfic table at 25fluffyfics.

Nathan was about to pick up the breakfast tray he’d just finished preparing when he heard a noise behind him and he turned to find his sexy as hell wife standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing one of his T-shirts which looked so much better on her than it ever did on him.

Forgetting about food for the moment, he closed the distance between them and wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her into his body before lowering his head to capture her lips with his own. “Hey you,” he whispered, nuzzling his nose against hers.

“Hey back,” she returned, her voice still heavy with sleep. “What are you doing up so early?”

Gesturing to the tray on the counter which was filled with scrambled eggs and toast as well as some fresh fruit, he replied, “I was making us breakfast in bed.”

“Wow, today must be a special occasion or something,” she teased.

“Very funny,” he said, giving her waist a gentle pinch and then chuckling when she yelped.

Circling her arms around his neck, Haley stood on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth against his, her tongue licking at the seam of his lips and then slipping between them when they instantly parted to allow her access. “Happy sixth wedding anniversary,” she whispered breathlessly long moments later, her fingers threading through his thick hair and scratching along the back of his neck.

Smiling, he kissed her again. “Happy sixth wedding anniversary to you, too, Hales. And I guess I should also say thanks.”

She raised one perfectly arched eyebrow. “What for?”

“For putting up with me all these years.”

Holding the back of her hand to her forehead, she mock-sighed. “You’re right, you should thank me. These past six years have been such a chore.” She tried to move out of his embrace before he could pinch her again but she wasn’t quick enough.

“Oh no you don’t,” he said as he grabbed a fistful of her T-shirt and pulled her back towards him.

Haley giggled, the sound soon dying away when his mouth slanted over hers, kissing her deeply. Her hands splayed in the centre of his back, holding him close as his lips, tongue and teeth worked their magic on her. She shivered when she felt his hardness pressing into her, demonstrating how worked up he was from just kissing her. It was such a heady feeling knowing she still had that effect on him after all of this time.

“Our breakfast is getting cold,” he mumbled into her ear, his voice husky and breathless. He ran his fingers through her dark locks, loving the soft, silky texture of the strands against his skin. His lips nibbled her lobe before moving to that spot just behind her ear that always drove her crazy and had her holding him that little bit tighter.

“Who needs food.” Her palms cupped his face, directing his mouth back to hers and they shared another long, sizzling kiss that had their hearts threatening to burst right out of their chests.

Nathan smirked against her lips and moving his hands down to her butt, he hoisted her up and began carrying her out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

“Daddy, why are you carrying Momma? Is she hurt?”

Burying his face into his wife’s shoulder, he groaned at the interruption. Considering how early it still was, he was sure they’d have a little time to themselves before Jamie woke up. Reluctantly, he lowered Haley so she was standing in front of him and whilst she shielded him, he made sure his T-shirt was covering the front of his shorts. The last thing he needed this morning was to answer any awkward questions that might arise, pardon the pun.

“No, buddy, she’s not hurt. Are you, Hales?”

Smiling at her little boy, Haley knelt down in front of him and brushed her hand over his sandy blonde hair. “No, I’m fine. Daddy was just being silly,” she told him, rolling her eyes and making Jamie laugh. Seeing he was holding something behind his back, she asked, “What have you got there?”

“Happy Ann’versary,” he said, holding out the card he’d drawn last night which his Nanny Deb had suggested he make for his parents.

From her position on the floor, Haley glanced up at Nathan who seemed as surprised as she was by their son’s gesture and taking the card from him, she felt tears well up in her eyes as she looked at the front of the card before opening it up to read what he’d written inside of it.

Handing it to Nathan, she pulled Jamie towards her and nuzzled her nose against him before cuddling him close and breathing in his familiar scent. “Thank you, baby. The card is beautiful, isn’t it, Nathan?”

“Yeah, it really is. Thanks, buddy,” he answered, rubbing his hand over their boy’s head.

Jamie smiled back at his parents, happy they both liked his card. “Do you have cake for an ann’versary?”

Looking at each other, they laughed and Haley replied, “Well, sometimes you do but that’s more when you have an anniversary party which we’re not.”

“Why not?”

“Uh, your Mom and I kind of want to spend it together this year but maybe next year we can have a big party and lots of cake.”

“Yay!” he said, jumping up and down with excitement.

“Alright, how ‘bout I make us breakfast and we start getting you ready for your sleepover at Uncle Lucas’ tonight?” Haley suggested.

“Can we have pancakes?” he asked, giving her that grin that always reminded her of Nathan.

“Sure, why not. Today’s a special occasion after all. Why don’t you go in the living room and watch cartoons and I’ll call you when it’s ready?”

“Thanks, Momma,” he said, nodding his head and giving her a hug before racing out of the room.

“So much for breakfast in bed this morning, Hales,” Nathan said, taking Haley’s hand and helping her up off of the floor.

Seeing the pout gracing his lips, she kissed it away. “We’ve got the whole night and tomorrow morning to ourselves, baby, so it’s not like we’re missing out. And besides, I’m glad we get to spend a little bit of our anniversary with Jamie.”

“Yeah, I am, too,” he admitted. “It’s just… I had definite plans for us this morning.”

“Mmm, that sounds intriguing,” she whispered, her lips meeting his again for a longer, deeper kiss. “Let’s put those plans on hold for now and use them tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah, let’s do that. I’ll make sure to tell Luke to bring Jamie back around lunchtime so that we can get a chance for a proper lie in.”

Moving out of his embrace so she could make a start with their breakfast, Haley looked at Nathan over her shoulder and teased, “You might want to tell your Mom to extend her sleepover, too… You know, so we don’t have her interrupting us either.” The scrunched up look on his face was adorable and she laughed. His mother’s current relationship with one of their best friends was still freaking him out.

“I am so going to make you pay for that tonight,” he told her, his voice low and husky which, he noticed, had her shivering.

“Can’t wait,” she told him, turning her head and giving him a saucy wink. Oh yeah, tonight was going to be so good.

* * * * *

While Nathan was upstairs finishing getting ready, Haley was in the dining room adding the finishing touches to the table. She couldn’t wait to see his face when he came down and found out that she’d turned the tables on him.

When she’d found out he had booked their favourite Italian restaurant for their anniversary and that he’d also arranged for Jamie to stay over at Luke’s for the night, an idea had popped into her head and she had cancelled the booking; instead arranging for the restaurant to deliver their favourite meal to their home.

As far as he knew, they were still going out and so he was putting on the suit she had laid out for him while she had gotten ready in the guest room, not wanting him to see what she was wearing until the last minute.

The dress she had chosen for tonight—a black, knee length, strapless design with a fitted bodice in royal blue, or should that be Ravens blue—was brand new, having been bought especially for tonight. It’s style was simple yet elegant and when she had twirled in front of the full length mirror, the skirt flared out, flashing her thighs which made her chuckle. She knew Nathan would love that aspect of the dress, not to mention the fact it dipped low in the front and showed a generous amount of cleavage. It was a good thing they weren’t going out tonight, she thought to herself with a smile.

Soft music filled the room and her hips swayed in time to it as she began unpacking the food which had arrived just a few minutes ago. Not wanting Nathan to hear the chimes of the doorbell and having him be the one to answer the door, she had stuck a note onto it, along with a tip, informing the delivery person to leave the food on the step and not ring the bell. She wanted this to be a total surprise for him and hopefully it would be.

Glancing at the silver watch she wore, Haley shook her head in amusement. Damn, her husband took way longer than she did getting ready. He was such a pretty boy, always checking and re-checking his hair was just so. Not that she was complaining considering how he’d looked just a few months ago with that mullet he’d been sporting. Thank God that had gone.

“Nathan? C’mon, we’re going to be late if you don’t get your ass in gear,” she called out.

“I’m coming,” he replied.

A couple of minutes later, Haley heard his footsteps on the stairs and she took a deep breath as she walked out of the dining room to meet him. She practically melted on the spot when she saw him standing before her in his black suit, the top two buttons of his pale blue shirt left undone. A tie was in his hands and he was focusing on that instead of looking at her.

“I don’t have to wear the tie, do I, Hales?” When he finally looked over at her, his eyes did a double-take and his sharp intake of breath was clearly audible. “Wow!”

Twirling in front of him, she saw the way his beautiful blue eyes darkened as he took in the glimpse of her thighs and she bit her lip to stop herself from smiling. Oh, he definitely loved that aspect of her outfit. “Do you like it?” she asked shyly.

“Like it? I love it… You look stunning.” Taking a step closer, he wound his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him, his mouth immediately finding hers and he kissed her softly. “I really wish we didn’t have to go out tonight,” he whispered breathlessly.

“Your wish is my command,” she told him and taking his hands in hers, she walked backwards towards the dining room to show him just what she’d been up to while he’d been upstairs.

“But… haven’t we got reservations?”

Shaking her head, she smiled and said, “No, I cancelled those.” Seeing the confusion etched onto his face, she continued, “I thought it might be nice to spend an evening at home together… you know, completely alone so I called the restaurant and cancelled the booking and arranged for them to deliver dinner here instead. You aren’t upset about that, are you?”

“Are you kidding me? As much as I enjoy us going out, I’d much rather spend tonight here with you, especially with you wearing that dress.” Lowering his head, he kissed her again, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips until she parted them and allowed him access.

Haley’s fingers threaded through his hair, tightening her hold when he began kissing his way down her neck and collarbone, finally arriving at the tops of her breasts. “Nathan…” she murmured, her heart racing in her chest as his hands roamed all over her while his mouth worked its magic. “T-The food’s gonna get cold.”

“I’m not feeling all that hungry,” he said, his eyes meeting hers and giving her that smirk he knew she secretly loved, he added, “Well, not for food anyway.”

She couldn’t help giggling and directing his lips back to hers, she kissed him hard, her tongue delving inside of his mouth to tangle with his own. Her hands pushed at his jacket and together they stripped it off of him, quickly followed by his shirt. As her hands worked on unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, she peppered kisses all over his bare chest and flicked the tip of her tongue over his left nipple, loving the sounds that tore from his throat as a result of that little action.

“Haley…” he panted, one of his hands tangling in her hair and bringing her mouth back up to his for a longer, deeper kiss.

“God, I want you so much…”

“I know the feeling,” he said, smiling. His thumb ran along her cheekbone and inching closer to her, he nuzzled his nose against hers. His free hand moved to her back and he played with the tab on her zipper. “So, uh, you wanna go upstairs?”

Returning his smile, Haley shook her head. “No, I’ve got a better idea.” Lacing her fingers with his, she led him towards the kitchen and the door leading out onto their patio.

“What are we doi—”

“Remember what our therapist said to us?”

“You mean about swimming naked?”

Blushing, she nodded her head. “Yeah… I figured since we’ve got the place entirely to ourselves that maybe we could do something fun and… different.”

“Is this part of your plan for tonight?” Nathan asked, his fingers running up and down her bare arm.

“No, the idea just popped into my head. We don’t have to though if you don—”

Sealing his mouth over hers, he cut off her words, his arms banding around her waist and pulling her in even closer to his body. The cool air felt great against his fevered skin and as the kiss intensified, he again found the zipper on her dress and began lowering it. He frowned when Haley took a step back from him.

“Nuh huh,” she said, chuckling at the pout he wore and pointing a finger at him. Pushing him down onto one of the lounge chairs, she stood in front of him and reaching behind her, she lowered the zipper herself and shivered at the way he was looking at her. She couldn’t be sure whether it was that look that was causing her chill-bumps or the cool night air.

“No bra?” Nathan observed when the top half of the dress fell away, his lips tugging upwards into a smirk. “I like.”

“The dress has a fitted bodice so I didn’t see the point,” she told him, her blush deepening.

“I’m not complaining, Hales.” He almost choked on his breath when the dress fell to the floor and she stepped out of it, his eyes fixated on the tiny pair of black lace panties she wore. God, she looked absolutely smoking hot in those and the high heels she had on.

“Lose the pants,” she commanded a moment later as she unfastened her watch and he was quick to comply. Standing up, he made fast work of removing them along with his boxers, shoes and socks.

Haley couldn’t help but stare at him as he stood before her in all his naked glory. Her fingers literally burned with the need to touch him and so she did just that, placing her palms flat on his chest before running them all over his shoulders and back. “You feel so good.”

“You do, too,” Nathan told her, his own hands wandering all over her smooth, baby soft skin. “So, you want to get in now or…”

“Okay,” she replied, starting to move away from him.

Before she could get too far, he snaked an arm around her and pinged the waistband of her underwear. “Take these off first.”

“You do it,” she challenged and her body trembled in anticipation, wondering whether he’d rip them off of her or peel them away slowly.

He chose the latter and crouching in front of her, he grabbed the sides of the lace garment and slowly inched it down her shapely thighs and legs, helping her step out of them when they’d pooled around her ankles. He then removed her high heels before running his hands ran up and down her legs, hearing the obvious hitch in her breathing. She was probably wondering if he was going to touch her there, he thought to himself.

Instead of doing that, he stood up and taking her hand in his, he led her closer to the deep end of the pool. “All in good time, Hales,” he teased, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze. Before she knew what was happening, he’d scooped her up into his arms and was throwing her into the pool which, thankfully, was heated.

By the time, Haley had risen to the surface and she’d squeezed the water out of her eyes, Nathan was in the pool as well and was swimming towards her. Backing away from him, she yelped when he suddenly grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards him. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, their lips met over and over again, their breaths mingling. She could feel his thick, hard length pressing against her core and she was desperate to feel him inside of her. Lowering one hand under the water, she wrapped her fingers around his cock and began sliding them up and down.

“Fuck!” he exclaimed, thrusting his hips towards her and urging her without words to speed up her movements. His own hands gripped and kneaded her butt and a few seconds later he felt her place him at her entrance and seizing her mouth in a fiery kiss, he plunged into her, holding still to savour that initial sensation of finally being joined so intimately. Her feminine muscles were squeezing him rhythmically and he couldn’t take it anymore and began sliding in and out of her at a leisurely pace, slowly building up the momentum.

Haley’s nails dug into the rounded tops of his shoulders, her feet pressing into the firm muscles of his ass as he increased his speed and began pounding into her. Her eyes fluttered closed and when her head fell back, she felt his lips latch onto the base of her throat, his teeth grazing along her flesh before biting down. Her thighs tightened their hold on him as the sensations became too much, especially since his pubic bone was rubbing deliciously against her clit.

She could feel the tight knot in her belly start to unravel and within seconds she felt like she was flying through the night sky, fireworks exploding all around her as she suddenly climaxed. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip to try and muffle the sounds she was making but when Nathan’s lips covered hers, she let loose and released a deep moan. She could feel his own orgasm wasn’t far behind and placing her mouth right by his ear, she whispered a plethora of naughty words into it, telling him in no uncertain words just how he made her feel every time they were together like this. That, combined with the way she was clenching her internal muscles around his cock, had him reaching his own peak in just three more strokes.

Their hands wandered all over each other as the water lapped at their bodies. Feeling moisture falling on her from above, Haley tipped her head backwards and looked up into the starry sky. “It’s raining, Nathan.” Her smile stretched from ear to ear and it seemed to be infectious judging by the smile he was giving her in return.

“So it is. It kind of makes tonight extra special, doesn’t it?”

Nodding her head, she replied, “Yeah, it does.”

The rainfall was light and felt almost cleansing as it washed over them both. They were still intertwined, their erratic breathing having calmed somewhat from their earlier exertions.

“I guess we’d better go inside,” Haley said, as her fingers brushed through his wet hair.

“We can stay out here a bit longer if you want to… The rain kind of reminds me of that night we made love on the balcony of our apartment.”

She smiled at the memory and nodded in agreement. “Me, too. And don’t forget the night we made out on the hood of the car during the rainstorm before we finally went inside.”

It was Nathan’s turn to smile… That had been a great night and a real turning point in their relationship which had still been on fairly rocky ground up until that point. “I’ll never forget that night.”

“Me either,” she said, giggling. “Especially since that could’ve been the night we conceived Jamie.”

Leaning in closer, Nathan kissed her long and slow, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and nibbling on it. “I love you so much, Haley. I know these past few months have been hard and I know I’ve hurt you—”

“Shh,” she said, placing her fingers against his lips and stopping him from saying anything else. “I love you, too, Nathan... More than you’ll ever know.” Popping a kiss onto his lips and cupping his cheek in her palm, she continued. “As for the other stuff, we need to put that in the past and just keep moving forward.”

“Okay,” he agreed, taking a deep breath and then lowering his head to find her lips once more. There was something about kissing her that he just couldn’t seem to get enough of and he didn’t think he ever would.

The rain started to fall heavier and they both started laughing. “This is so much better than being inside a restaurant,” Haley mused.

“Yeah, especially since I’m still inside of you,” he teased, laughing louder when she blushed and buried her face against his chest.

“You’re terrible, you know that?”

“And there’s me thinking I’m pretty damn good,” he whispered into her ear and rocking his hips into hers.

“Nathan…” she moaned, her fingers gripping his biceps at the sudden friction she felt right there.

Tightening his hold on her, he carried her over to the steps leading out of the pool. “Let’s go inside and get more comfortable...” he suggested. “Plus, I’m starting to get hungry for actual food now.”

“Okay,” she replied, rubbing her cheek against his before popping a kiss onto it. “Oh wait! We need towels.”

“I’ll go get them,’ he said, ‘you wait here and I’ll be right back.”

She admired the slip-slide of his muscles beneath his skin as he pulled himself out of the pool and made his way into the house. So consumed was she by thoughts of him that she didn’t even think about all the water he was dripping through their kitchen.

Within a few moments, Nathan was back, having snagged a couple of towels from the cupboard in the downstairs bathroom. One was wrapped around his waist while he shook out the other one and held it open for Haley as she climbed out of the pool. She shivered as the cool air enveloped her, her nipples tightening even more, but a split second later he’d wrapped the towel around her and was rubbing his hands over the soft fabric to warm her up. God, she loved him! Turning around in his arms, she twined her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers so she could kiss him again. When they eventually drew apart, she licked her lips, tasting him on them.

“Do you want to exchange presents now?” Haley asked.

“I thought we just did that,” he said, wigging his eyebrows suggestively which had her giggling and blushing at the same time.

“C’mon,” she said, again taking his hand and this time leading him back into the house.

He watched as she reached into one of the kitchen drawers and removed a white envelope.

“Happy Anniversary, Nathan.”

Taking the envelope from her, he carefully tore it open and saw that it contained airline tickets. Opening one of them up, the smile stretched across his face as he read the destination. “London?”

Haley’s smile matched his. “Yeah. I just figured it might be nice to finally go and have that honeymoon that we never got around to what with one thing and another,” she said, her voice trailing off as she tried hard not to think about the events that took place as they made their way to the airport on their second wedding day.

“It’s a great gift,” he told her, kissing her softly and trying to take her mind off what he knew she was thinking about. “Are there two or three tickets in here?”

“Two. I talked to Jamie before I booked the tickets to make sure he’d be okay with us going away for a week without him and he said he was, although I kind of had to promise we’d look into getting him that puppy he’s been begging us for,” she confessed.

“You’re such a softie,” he kidded. “But then again, so am I since I promised him the same thing.”

“What? Why?” Haley asked, her forehead crinkling in confusion.

“Wait here a second and I’ll show you.” Nathan left the room for a few minutes and when he returned, he was holding his own envelope which he handed over to her. “Happy Anniversary, Hales.”

Opening it up, she laughed when she saw what was inside: another pair of airline tickets. “London?” she asked.

“No, but only ‘cause I wasn’t sure you’d want to go somewhere that far away without Jamie.”

Reading the destination on one of the tickets, she grinned. “Hawaii?”

“Yeah. What do you think?”

“I think it’s perfect… As are you,” she said, pecking him on the lips.

“Well, duh,” he joked, giving her a wink. “I’ve got an idea. Since we’re going to London without Jamie, how about we book an extra ticket and take him with us to Hawaii?”

“That sounds great, Nathan,” she said, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly. “Thank you so much for this.”

“You’re welcome and thanks for mine.”

“You’re welcome,” Haley said, repeating his words.

“Okay, so how about we go and have dinner ‘cause, you know, I’ve worked up quite an appetite.”

Securing her towel around her body, she nodded. “Yeah, same here.” Walking in front of him, her hips sashaying from side to side, she turned and threw him a hot, sultry look from over her shoulder. “And… the sooner we eat, the sooner we can get to burning those calories off.”

Smirking at her, he followed. “I love the way you think, Mrs Scott,” he said, his eyes hungrily following her every movement. He knew tonight was going to be a special celebration but he hadn’t quite expected it to be this special. His wife was sure full of surprises and he loved her all the more for it.


Sequel : Praying For Rain

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