A Little Less Conversation

Title: A Little Less Conversation

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Category: AU

Prompt: Sick

Rating: Teen Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: As it’s AU, there aren’t any spoilers.

Summary: There was something about chatting with him that always seemed to lift her spirits and put her in a good mood...

Author’s Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Dawnie’s request. I hope you like it and that you don’t mind that I’ve made it an AU scenario. If you want more, you know what you have to do. *lol*

The sudden wave of nausea was overwhelming and bringing the glass up to her lips, Haley sipped the now slightly warm diet soda she’d ordered when she’d arrived at the diner twenty minutes ago, doing her best to ignore the dirty looks the waitress who’d served her kept sending her way. With the way she was feeling right now, the teen should be grateful she wasn’t throwing up all over the black and white checked linoleum floor.

Glancing at her wristwatch, she saw that it was fast approaching the designated time they’d agreed to meet at and Haley suddenly felt dizzy. What the hell was she thinking? she asked herself for what had to be the thousandth time in the space of a couple of hours. This was all her sister’s fault. If Taylor hadn’t rambled on yet again about her baby sister spending another Friday night home alone, she wouldn’t be doing this. She wouldn’t have suggested to him that they finally meet even if it had been the one constant thought on her mind during their more recent chats. Instead, she could be sitting at home on her comfy couch with her laptop resting on her knees, her favourite snacks within reach while they picked up where they’d left off from their last conversation.

But no, Taylor had had to open her big mouth and spout on about how pathetic she was for playing it safe and never taking a chance despite knowing full well how traumatic her younger sister’s break-up had been. Just because it had happened a couple of years ago didn’t mean the hurt and betrayal had faded.

“Can I get you anythin’?”

Haley glanced up at the waitress who’d interrupted her thoughts and she was about to shake her head when she thought better of it. “Uh, yeah. Could I have a black coffee, please?”

The blonde snapped her chewing gum and nodded as she went to fill her customer’s order, placing a cup and saucer in front of Haley a few moments later, sloshing the liquid over the side. “Sorry,” she mumbled before turning away, her ponytail swinging behind her.

“I’ll bet,” Haley whispered under her breath. Sipping the hot, bitter liquid, she looked out of the window and wondered if he was as nervous and apprehensive as she was right now. Somehow, she didn’t think he would be. He was always so confident… bordering on cocky during their online chats, which had been going on for several months now. While she had several friends she chatted with via IM, they were people she knew in *real life* as opposed to him, someone she’d never actually met. There was something about chatting with him that always seemed to lift her spirits and put her in a good mood and there were times when she couldn’t wait for her day to be over so she could get home and see if he was online and available to talk. She knew it sounded corny but chatting with him was often the best part of her day an—


The deep voice suddenly coming from beside her instantly brought her out of her reverie and her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at the gorgeous specimen in front of her. In that moment, she was more than a little grateful that they hadn’t exchanged photos during any of their online chats ‘cause, if they had, she was pretty sure she would’ve been too chicken to meet him in person.

“You are Haley, right?” he asked when a few moments later the woman remained seated and hadn’t said a single word. He was pretty sure it was her given the silver threaded purple scarf she loosely wore around her neck which she’d told him she’d put on so he’d know it was her when they’d chatted earlier and arranged to meet up.

“Uh, yeah. Sorry,” Haley said as she eased her chair back and stood up to properly greet him. Holding out her hand for him to shake, she smiled and said, “It’s nice to finally meet you… Nathan.”


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