Make You Feel My Love

Title: Make You Feel My Love

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Teen Rated

Prompt: Confession

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set after the Season 8 finale and makes mention of spoilers for Season 9 so please don’t read if you don’t want to know.

Summary: Haley stood and watched him for several minutes and her heart ached. Padding over to him, she crawled onto his lap and when he raised his head, she nuzzled her nose against his before popping a soft kiss onto his lips. “What’s wrong?” she asked, even though she was already pretty sure of what his reply was going to be.

Author’s Notes: This has been written for Porn Battle XII (The Dirty Dozen).

Settling their fast asleep fourteen-month-old daughter in her crib, Haley glanced up and saw her husband standing in the doorway watching them. She lovingly brushed the back of her hand over Lydia’s chubby little cheek before walking over to him and taking his hand in hers.

“C’mon,” she whispered, leading him out of the nursery and towards their own bedroom; doing her best to be quiet so as not to wake Jamie. Once inside their room, she quietly closed the door and locked it.

Walking over to the chair in the corner, Nathan slumped down into it, placing his head into his hands. He felt so tired and weary. Being back home was helping improve his mood but the knowledge that he’d be off travelling again in the next couple of weeks felt like a fifty ton weight pressing down on his shoulders.

Haley stood and watched him for several minutes and her heart ached. Padding over to him, she crawled onto his lap and when he raised his head, she nuzzled her nose against his before popping a soft kiss onto his lips. “What’s wrong?” she asked, even though she was already pretty sure of what his reply was going to be.

“I miss you, Hales… I miss you and the kids so damn much.”

“We miss you, too,” she told him, lightly caressing the back of his head; the bristles from his buzz-cut tickling the pads of her fingers.

Nathan’s arms, which were wrapped around her waist, squeezed her that little bit tighter and resting his head against her chest, he confessed, “I-I don’t know how much longer I can do this for. At least when I was away for basketball I was in the same country but this… I don’t think I was expecting it to be this hard.”

“You like being an agent though, right?”

He didn’t respond and he knew that would give her all the answer she needed.


Sighing heavily, he finally said, “No.”

“But you were so… keyed up and happy after you signed Troy and—”

“I know and I wasn’t faking that. I guess I just wasn’t expecting to be doing all the travelling for the agency. One of the reasons I gave up playing basketball was so I’d be able to spend more time with you, Jamie and Lydia and yet this is the complete opposite of that.”

Cradling his cheek in her palm, she rubbed her thumb along his cheekbone. “Have you told Clay any of this?”

“How can I, Hales? You’ve seen the state he’s in right now… how can I tell him I’m not sure I want to be doing this job anymore?”

“Yeah,” she murmured. When Nathan had become an agent she’d know that travelling would be a part of the job but she hadn’t quite expected him to be away this much or this often. Under normal circumstances he and Clay would most likely be sharing the travelling but with their friend in the midst of an addiction to prescription medication there was no way he was fit for much of anything right now so Nathan was having to deal with everything agency related.

“What am I going to do?” he asked, burying his face in the crook of her shoulder. “I feel so useless.”

“You mean what are we going to do,” Haley corrected. Drawing him away from her so she could look into his eyes, she said, “We’ll figure something out. And you, Nathan Scott, are not useless so don’t even go there.”

“God, I love you,” he stated, his hand rubbing up and down Haley’s back over the thin blue nightgown she was wearing.

The deep, throaty timbre of his voice combined with his familiar touch sent tingles shooting through her entire body and tilting her head forward slightly, she sealed her mouth over his and kissed him hard; pouring every little bit of love and affection she’d ever felt for him into it. “I love you, too,” she whispered breathlessly long moments later.

“You always make me feel better.” His fingers combed through her silky blonde curls as he looked into those big beautiful eyes of hers. He knew nothing had really been resolved… that he still needed to work out what he was going to do regarding the agency, but he was definitely feeling better and even a little more confident about the situation.

“I’m glad you’re home, baby,” she told him. “I’ve especially missed having you sleeping beside me.”

“Just sleeping?” He chuckled when her cheeks turned pink. “I love that even after all these years together I can still make you blush like I did when we were sixteen.”

“Okay,” she teased, “ I take it back. I haven’t missed you at all.”

“Uh huh,” he mumbled, pressing his lips against the hollow of her throat and then slowly kissing his way upwards until he arrived at her mouth. When the kiss eventually ended, they rested their foreheads together and looked into one another’s eyes. “Thank you, Hales.”

“For what?”

“For always helping me and making me feel better. For giving me two amazing kids. Whatever happens, I’m done with being away from home so much. Things are going to change, I promise.”

Haley’s heart raced wildly in her chest as she listened to him. “I love you so much,” she told him. Sliding off of his lap, she took his hands in her own and pulled him out of the chair and walked backwards towards their bed. Flashing him a sexy smile, she playfully said, “Now, I think it’s my turn to thank you…”


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