A Perfect Ending

Title: A Perfect Ending

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This continues on after the final NH scene in episode 7.15 “Don’t You Forget About Me”. The story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up this morning,” he said, nuzzling his nose against hers before stealing another kiss.

Author’s Notes: This has been written especially for the fantabulous Megan as a little birthday gift from me. It may not be the original birthday sex fic you wanted but I hope I’ve done your second request justice. Hope you have a terrific day celebrating and that it includes lots of presents and cake! Oh, and here's hoping our little wish comes true. *hugs*

A massive thank you goes to Kristen for helping me out by reading over this for me. *hugs*

“It sounds like you two had quite the adventure,” Haley said, laughing as her husband finished filling her in on his and Clay’s eventful day. “Quinn figured you guys deliberately disappeared so that you wouldn’t have to get dressed up in 80s gear for the benefit.”

Smirking, Nathan nodded. “Okay, you’ve caught me out. Day-Glo colours just don’t suit me.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I think you’d look very fetching in fluorescent pink.”

Walking over to where she was standing, he traced the tip of his finger along the neckline of her pink dress. “We’d be a perfect match, then.”

“My dress isn’t fluorescent,” she pointed out.

“Details,” he murmured, lowering his head to press his lips against hers.

Pushing herself up onto her toes, Haley cupped the back of his neck as Nathan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in as close as possible to his body, letting her feel every single inch of him.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up this morning,” he said, nuzzling his nose against hers before stealing another kiss.

“It’s okay, baby.”

“No, it isn’t.”

Haley shook her head. “The main thing is that you made it back before midnight and hey, we get to have our own little private party.” Flashing him a sexy smile, she added, “Unless, that is, you’re too tired after everything you’ve been through.”

“Not even close,” he murmured huskily, sealing his mouth over hers and kissing her deeply; his tongue teasing the seam of her lips until she parted them for him. Even if he was exhausted, he knew he’d be able to find the strength for this. Finding the metal tab of the zipper on her dress, he began lowering it. He chuckled under his breath when she began hastily working on the buttons of his shirt, shoving the white cotton off his shoulders and down his arms. “In a hurry?”

“Uh huh,” she said, panting. “I didn’t get my usual birthday wake-up call this morning so I’m making up for it now. Why, are you complaining?” A smile tugged at her lips as she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

“Hell no,” Nathan was quick to respond. Removing his shirt completely and tossing it onto the floor, he began unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.

Haley bit her lip as she watched him undress, enjoying the sight of the muscles in his arm and torso flexing beneath his lightly tanned skin.

“Like what you see?” he teased.

“Hmm, maybe.” Keeping her eyes trained on his, she slowly stripped out of her dress, leaving her standing in front of him in just her strapless white bra and matching panties; her shoes already having been kicked off when they came upstairs.

“Maybe, huh?” Now clad in just his charcoal grey boxer briefs, he walked over to her and reaching out a hand, he ran his forefinger over the swell of her right breast, liking the way Haley’s breath hitched in her throat. Cupping her hips, he lowered his head just as she raised her face, their lips meeting a split second later.

“I definitely like what I see,” she told him breathlessly, “and I love how you feel.”

“I love how you feel, too.” Claiming her mouth in another fiery kiss, he reached behind her back and released the clasp of her bra, sliding the scrap of fabric away from her body and letting it fall to the floor to join the rest of their clothes. He began massaging her breasts, gently tugging on her nipples as they practically devoured each other. Her breathy sighs and moans were turning him on even more and he rocked his hips against hers, letting her feel the effect she was having on him.

“Nathan… please.”

Nathan contemplated teasing her, drawing things out for as long as possible but with the way she was looking up at him, her teeth biting into her plump bottom lip, twirling a curl of her auburn hair around her finger… yeah, that wasn’t happening. Placing his hands under her butt, he boosted her up into his arms, liking how she immediately hooked her legs around his hips which brought their lower bodies into even closer contact. He walked the short distance to their bed and lowered her down onto it, climbing on top of her and fusing his mouth to hers.

Gripping a fistful of his thick hair, Haley moaned against his lips as he pressed her down into the firm mattress; the Egyptian cotton sheet covering it helping to cool her flushed skin. Her free hand roamed all over his back, her fingernails digging crescent moons into him when he began peppering open-mouthed kisses down her neck; leisurely making his way south until his lips hovered over her breasts. She shivered at the sensation of his warm breath puffing against her and that shiver only intensified when he ducked his head and sucked her nipple between his lips, his teeth rasping over the puckered flesh.

Slipping her hands between their bodies, Haley began pushing at his underwear, desperate to feel the hard length she could feel rubbing against her core without any barriers. “Nathan!” she whined, swatting him on the shoulder when he started laughing.

“You’re so impatient, Hales,” he quipped.

“Like you’re not,” she scoffed.

Nathan shook his head in amusement as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and dragged the flimsy fabric down her toned thighs. As soon as they’d cleared her ankles, he threw them over his shoulder which made her laugh. She watched with hungry eyes as he then set to removing his boxers and once they were off, he was back on top of her, a blissful sigh escaping her lips at the achingly familiar contact.

“I missed you so much this morning,” she told him, running her toes along the back of his calf.

“I missed you, too.”

Cradling the back of his neck, she lifted her head up from her pillow and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, grazing her teeth along it. She giggled when he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her hard and deep, thrusting his tongue inside to tangle wetly with her own.

Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, she pumped him a few times in her fist, using the precum that was already leaking from the tip to aid her movements before placing him at her entrance, telling him without words what she wanted. Happy to comply, he seized her lips so muffle any sounds they made as he plunged into her molten heat, holding steady for a long moment to savour the sensation of them being so intimately joined.

Nathan could feel her trembling beneath him and he knew it wasn’t going to take much to send her over the edge. As he began moving his hips, he was aware of just how close to it he was himself. So much for taking it slow. Their soft, tender make-out session a short while ago had been incredibly arousing… the way she’d teased him by keeping her lips just out of his reach had made his blood zing in his veins. God, he loved it when she acted all innocent with him and she’d definitely looked the part tonight in her pink dress and with her hair curled.

“Ohhh… faster…” Haley whispered into his ear, sucking on the patch of skin below it and she cooed happily when he instantly sped up. “I’m so close, baby.”

Feeling her tighten around his cock, he could sense just how close her orgasm was and his pace became almost frantic. He could feel the telltale tingle in the base of his spine signalling that the end was almost upon him and so, burying his face in her neck, he concentrated all of his efforts on them reaching the finish line together. Shifting his position slightly, he made sure the base of his cock rubbed against her clit while one of his hands kneaded her breasts in turn, using his index and middle fingers to pinch her nipples. Needing one final push to propel them both forward, he lifted his head and commanded, “Look at me.”

Eyes automatically fluttering open, their gazes locked on one another and the intensity of the looks they shared made it seem like forever before they actually reached the point of climax; Haley gasping her husband’s name as he growled hers.

Nathan felt as though his bones had liquefied as he collapsed on top of her and not wanting to crush her, he rolled over onto his back, gently drawing her against his side so she could snuggle into him. When he’d regained the power of speech, he asked, “So, did you have a good birthday?”

Lifting her head up from where it rested on his shoulder, she smiled at him. “Well, it didn’t start off so well but it ended perfectly.”

Smiling back at her, he promised, “I’ll do my best to make sure next year’s is even better.” He pressed a kiss onto the tip of her nose and then popped one onto her lips. Leaning forward, he grabbed the comforter from the bottom of the bed and pulled it up over the both of them before settling back down.

Slipping one of her legs between his and placing her palm in the centre of his chest, Haley made herself comfortable against him. “I love you,” she said quietly, glancing up at him.

Brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face, he replied, “I love you, too.” Switching off the lamp on the nightstand, he wrapped his arm around her and let his eyes fall shut, the sound of Haley’s deep, steady breathing lulling him to sleep.


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