With A Cherry On Top

Title: With A Cherry On Top

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: Story contains scenes and language of a sexual nature.

Summary: Nathan and Haley have a little fruity fun…

Author’s Notes: This is set post-Season 3 because in my world the ending we got in the finale didn’t happen. NH had their dream wedding, their honeymoon and are working on living their happy ever after. So there! *lol*

This has been written as a joint birthday present for Shauna, Brynne and Elise. I hope you had/have lovely days celebrating and that you like the fic. *hugs*

“Nathan, that tickles!” Haley yelped, giggling at the sensations she was experiencing at her husband’s hands.

“Sorry,” he replied. Lifting his head up from her stomach, he gave her a smirk that clearly indicated he wasn’t sorry in the slightest before lowering it and continuing with his ministrations.

The feel of his hot, wet tongue gliding along her skin, lapping at the slowly melting ice cream sundae he had constructed on her stomach made her entire body tremble. Her fingers tangled in his thick hair while she ran her toes up and down his bare back. She watched him closely and when his eyes met hers, she shivered at the blatant lust she could see in them.

Haley was desperate to feel his lips on hers but she knew that if she moved, the sticky concoction would slide off and that if he moved, it would make an almighty mess as it smushed between them. From the twinkle she witnessed in his eyes, she had a feeling he was going to take his sweet time working his way up her body.

Nathan’s tongue swirled around and around, catching the small drips before they had a chance to fall too far and he smiled against her skin at the way she was writhing beneath him. He could sense her losing control and wanting to be a part of things when she finally let go, he started to speed things up a bit.

He raised his body up a little so he didn’t smear the ice cream when he licked the whipped cream off of her breasts, spending an inordinate amount of time on each one. The way her hips were grinding against his, he knew she was enjoying it as much as he was.

When all of the ice cream and it’s accompanying fudge sauce had disappeared, he plucked the solitary cherry, which he had saved until last, from her bellybutton and then began making his way up her body, making sure every part of him was touching her.

She released a breathy sigh when their lips finally met and she giggled when she felt the cherry drop into her mouth.

“You don’t want it?” Haley asked before she started chewing the piece of fruit and she watched him shake his head.

“Nah, I figured I already took your cherry so this way, you could say you took mine.”

Her mouth dropped open before a burst of laughter escaped her throat. “Nathan!”

Laughing at the surprised look on her face, he chuckled and gave her a wink. “What?”

“You’re terrible, you know that.”

“I know,” he said before lowering his head and sealing his mouth over hers, kissing her passionately, the sweetness of the maraschino cherry she’d just eaten making her taste even sweeter than usual.

Haley’s arms wrapped themselves around his neck just as her legs came up to hook around his hips. She could feel the slight pull of their torsos sticking together with the remnants of the ice cream Nathan had eaten off of her and she couldn’t help but like it. When he broke the kiss several long minutes later, his mouth immediately latched onto her neck and she moaned with pleasure at the feel of his teeth grazing against her skin.

Her nails raked across his scalp and as much as she had loved the buzz cut on him, she had to say she preferred him with slightly longer hair. There was nothing she enjoyed more while in the throes of passion than tangling her fingers through his hair and holding him tightly to her as he pounded deep inside of her or while his extremely talented mouth worked its magic on certain parts of her body.

Stroking her feet along the backs of his thighs, Haley tilted her pelvis back so that he was stroking against her right there and she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to keep from screaming.

“You feel so good,” Nathan whispered into her ear before finding that little spot just behind it that always drove her wild. His arm stroked down her side and when he arrived at her leg, he raised it up until it was hooked over his shoulder, opening her up even wider. Shifting his position slightly, he slid his hardened length along her slippery folds, bumping her clit on each upstroke.

“Nathannnn…” she hissed, the pleasure she was already feeling threatening to send her over the edge already. “Please…”

“Please what?” he choked out as he fought to keep control.

“More… I need more.”

His lips found her parted ones and he slipped his tongue inside to tangle wetly with hers before he licked the inside of her bottom lip. It always drove him insane with lust when she did it to him and he knew she enjoyed having it done, too.

“What do you need, baby? Tell me.”

“Ohhh god! You… I need you… Inside.”

Nathan wished he had more control because he’d have loved to have drawn things out even longer, driven her even more delirious with mind-numbing pleasure but he didn’t so he did as she requested. Seizing her lips in another fiery, passion-filled kiss, he plunged into her in one long, deep thrust and held the position for a moment before the need to move became too strong to ignore.

Haley met him stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust. She tilted her pelvis back further still so he could slide in even deeper and she gasped when he hit a particularly sensitive spot. One of her hands gripped his bicep while the fingers of the other clenched and unclenched in his hair.

Their tongues mimicked what their lower bodies were doing and when they eventually broke the kiss, she peppered kisses all over his cheeks and jaw as she waited for her breathing to return to normal. As soon as it had, she fused her lips to his once more, her tongue snaking inside to lick at his teeth and the roof of his mouth, savouring the faint traces of the chocolate chip ice cream she could taste along with his own unique flavour.

Nathan’s hand cupped and kneaded her breasts in turn, tugging on the diamond hard nipples which had her mewling in what he could only describe as delight. Her leg was still hooked over his shoulder while the other was wrapped around his hip, the heel of her foot pressing into his ass and drawing him even closer into the cradle of her body.

Breaking the kiss, he kissed a path down her throat to her neck and further south until his face was directly above her breast. Keeping his eyes trained on her, he sucked the soft flesh into his mouth and suckled it before releasing it and concentrating solely on her nipple. He swirled his tongue around and around before sucking the sensitive little nub hard.

Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as the sensations he was creating within her spiralled out of control. She knew it wasn’t going to take much more to push her over the edge.

While he continued to lick and suck at her breast, his other hand was bestowing attention upon the other one; his thumb and forefinger plucking at her nipple, making it as hard as the one he was currently grazing his teeth against.

“Nathan…please… Baby, I-I’m so close…”

“I know… Me too,” he whispered huskily as he doubled his ministrations, sensing just how close they both were to hitting that final peak.

Haley’s leg slid down from its position on his shoulder and she wrapped it around his hip so that both her heels could dig into his firm, muscled buttocks. She could feel the slickness of the perspiration on his skin and raising her head up off the pillows, her mouth latched onto the point where his neck met his shoulder and she sucked on his salty skin. The second she felt his fingers pinching her clit, she bit down and she immediately felt the jolt of his thick, hard length deep within her.

Nathan growled against her flushed skin and lifting his head to meet hers, he kissed her hard and deep while his lower body picked up the pace and began thrusting even faster and harder into her.

She whimpered and then moaned loudly as she felt her orgasm hit her full force and she gyrated her hips even more wildly against Nathan’s as he fought to achieve his own climax. A few strokes later and he collapsed on top of her; his body completely boneless with satisfaction and exhaustion.

“God, that felt good…” Haley mumbled against his skin when she was finally able to form a coherent sentence.

“Uh huh…”

They lay there in comfortable silence for a few moments until she broke it to say, “I need to take a shower. I feel so sticky.”

“What do you mean ‘I’? I think you mean ‘we’.”

She mock-sighed. “Fine, we then.”

His fingers tickled her sides mercilessly. “I’m sorry, what was that, Hales?”

Wriggling beneath him, she tried to escape his torturous fingers but it was no good. He wasn’t letting up. “Nathan… Stop! P-Please!”

“You’ve gotta stop wriggling around like that… You’re getting me all excited again.”

Haley snorted. “So what’s new?”

Ceasing the tickle torture, he massaged his fingers over the areas he had been tickling her to soothe them and he smiled at the way she visibly relaxed under his touch. “Very funny,” he replied against her lips before licking a path around them.

“Aww honey, I love getting you all excited. And besides, I figure I still owe you for the no-sex ban we had had going on just before the wedding.”

“Oh, you do. But, just so you know, that list you suggested is helping make up for it. Who knew my wife had such a naughty streak in her?”

Haley blushed at his words, particularly when she remembered the night she had brought up the idea of them making a list of all the things they wanted to try doing together in bed…or out of it, for that matter, since she figured they shouldn’t restrict themselves. They were still in the early days of crossing things off of it but if they kept on at the rate they were going, it wouldn’t be long before each suggestion had been tried and tested.

Nathan smirked at the way she was blushing but he felt himself grow fully hard again when he realised she wasn’t blushing anymore…she was actually aroused. Scrambling out of bed, he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her up.

“What are you doing?”

“C’mon, shower.”

While it wasn’t on their list since it was a place that had gotten a lot of use already, it was a venue they thoroughly enjoyed revisiting.

Letting him lead her into the bathroom, she mused aloud, “Hmm, isn’t it strange how alert you are all of a sudden? I mean, I thought you were going to fall asleep on me a few minutes ago.”

Reaching in to turn on the shower, he then turned to face her. “What can I say? The thought of you all wet and soapy gets me all hot and bothered.”


“What do you think?” he said, gesturing to a certain part of his anatomy and then laughing at the way she was blushing again. Testing the water to make sure the temperature was okay, he stepped inside the cubicle before pulling her in, too and sliding the frosted glass door shut.

Seeing the smirk back on his face, Haley tilted her head to the side and regarded him closely. “What?” she finally asked when she couldn’t come up with any reason for it.


“What’s with the smirk?”

“Oh,” he teased, “I was just thinking about how we could cross another thing off our list while we’re in here.”

She raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “Really? I don’t remember there being anything about a shower on the list.”

Nathan nodded slowly. “I know, I’ve just added it,” he told her before spinning her so her back was to his chest and her front was pressed up against the cold tiled wall. “I hope you don’t mind the extra addition,” he whispered into her ear and he felt her shiver in response.

Shaking her head, Haley replied in a heavy, lust-laden voice, “No, I don’t mind at all.”


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