Collide - Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Two weeks later...

Nathan swallowed nervously as Haley unlocked her front door and pushed it open. He hesitated slightly before he sucked it up and followed her into the apartment. The plan had been to just drop her off home after their date at the movies that evening but the look on her face when he'd started to roll out yet another excuse had caused him to backtrack and tell her he'd love to come in.

His hope that Lindsey would be at home was dashed when Haley found a pink Post-It note stuck onto the answering machine telling her she was out with one of their mutual friends and didn't know what time she'd be back.

Sitting on the couch, he jiggled his knee up and down as he waited for his girlfriend to return from the kitchen with their drinks. Instead of coffee, he now wished he'd asked for something stronger. Lord knew he could do with some liquid courage.

"Here you go," Haley said a short while later, handing him a mug of black coffee. "Are you hungry 'cause if you are I could whip up a couple of omelets or something."

"No, I'm fine, thanks. All the crap I ate at the movie theater's filled me up," he joked.

She laughed before taking a sip of her tea and then setting down her cup on the coffee table. After Nathan had drunk some of his own beverage, she took the mug back from him and set it down beside hers.

"What are yo—"

Bending forward, Haley pressed her lips against his and gently pushed him backwards. Her tongue tangled and twisted with his and, without breaking the kiss, she hitched up her knee-length skirt and straddled his lap.

Nathan moaned as he felt her hands wander everywhere, never staying in one place for very long. The same was true of her lips. First they were fused to his, next they were sucking on his earlobe before travelling down the side of his neck and then latching onto the base. When she suddenly and without warning bit down on the fleshy area between his neck and shoulder he felt something akin to an electric shock run right through him. The unexpected action caused him to buck his hips up into hers, bringing his erection into closer contact with her core and the molten heat he could feel emanating through her panties. "Christ!"

He was so lost in a haze of lust that he completely missed her undoing his shirt but he came to at the touch of her delicate fingers exploring the planes of his chest.

"I love the way you feel," Haley whispered, dropping hot, wet kisses all along his collarbone as she slowly made her way south.

Threading his fingers through her hair, Nathan held her to him, encouraging her to continue despite knowing he should instead be pushing her away.

It wasn't until he felt her fingers slipping inside his unzipped pants – how the hell had he missed her doing that, he asked himself – that the panic really set in. "H-Haley..." he started, choking on his breath when she palmed him through his boxer briefs. There was a tiny part of him that contemplated letting her just do what she wanted but he knew he couldn't. He knew he'd hate himself even more than he did already.

"Haley," he said, this time more forcefully. It was negated though when he began to stumble over how to break the news to her that he needed to leave. "We need to... I need to, uh..."

Nathan suddenly paused. He didn't know if it was his imagination playing tricks on him but he thought he heard the sound of a key in the front door and he mentally crossed his fingers that he wasn't mistaken. Maybe tonight he could get away without having to give her another moronic excuse as to why he couldn't stay.

As he waited to find out if they were about to be interrupted, the slow rocking of Haley's hips was driving him even further to distraction. Slipping his fingers beneath her peach colored blouse, he lightly caressed her skin before sliding them around to grip the sides of her waist.

"Yesss," Haley whispered against his throat as she made her way back up to his lips. "Keep doing tha—"

"Oh God! I'm so sorry!" Lindsey exclaimed as she and Jessie, the mutual friend of hers and Haley's that she'd gone out with after work, entered the living room.

The relief Nathan felt at the interruption was overwhelming but he managed to tamp it down and pretend to be just as disappointed as he knew Haley was going to be. He watched as a deep flush tinted her cheeks and he couldn't help wondering how much of it was due to embarrassment at being busted and how much was as a result of her arousal.

"Don't stop on our account," Jessie teased as she further entered the room and took a seat in the armchair across from the couch.

Haley's blushed deepened. "I... we didn't think you'd be back yet, Linds."

"So it would seem," Lindsey replied, a smirk tugging at her lips. "We can go back out again if you two would prefer."

"No, no, that's okay," Nathan quickly interjected. "It's, uh, getting late so I should probably get going." He tried not to look at his girlfriend but when he felt her sag against him, he glanced at her and saw the disappointment etched onto her pretty face.

"It's not that late," Haley whispered. Looking at her two friends, she said, "Could you give us a couple of minutes?"

Jessie pushed herself up out of the armchair and shot the blonde a smile. "Sure, no problem."

"We'll be in the kitchen," Lindsey added.

"Okay, thanks." She waited until the two women had disappeared from view before turning her attention to her boyfriend. "I'm sorry about that."

Nathan gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "There's nothing to apologize for, Hales," he said, gently stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. "I guess we got a little carried away out here, huh?"

Closing the distance between them, Haley rubbed her lips over his before slanting her head and kissing him harder. As previously, she began to gyrate her hips, brushing her centre against the hard bulge pressing between her legs.

"W-we can't..." he groaned. Any vestiges of self-control he had were fast disappearing. "Haley... you... we need to stop."

"Why?" She pouted. "Let's go into my bedroom and we can continue this in private."

Throwing a glance towards the kitchen, he gave a small shake of his head. "I-I don't feel comfortable."

Haley laughed. "Are you serious?" When he didn't join in with her, her lips parted in surprise. "You are."

"I-I want us to have total privacy when we sleep together for the first time," he told her truthfully. "I don't want either of us to be worrying about being too loud or being interrupted."

Resting her forehead against his, she smiled softly. "You make a good point. We could always go over to your apartment right now and pick up from where we left off."

"We could," he agreed, "but we've both got work tomorrow and I need to be in really early for a breakfast meeting so—"

"So that's a no then?"

Nathan nodded. "Yeah, sorry."

The sad and dejected expression she wore as she climbed off of his lap made him feel sick but, deep down, he knew he was doing the right thing. It was still early days and already he was running out of excuses to give her.

Haley bit her lip to keep from smiling when, after Nathan stood up and zipped up his pants, she saw him untuck his shirt and cover the front of them which were still slightly tented due to their earlier activities. This was what she didn't understand. He obviously was into what they were doing... hell, he was an active participant, yet here he was again calling an end to things before they'd had a chance to really get going.

Pulling on his jacket and straightening out the collar, Nathan took Haley's hand in his and together they walked towards the front door. Cupping her face, he lowered his head and nuzzled his nose against hers before capturing her lips in a tender kiss which was a complete contrast to their kisses of ten minutes ago.

"I'll call you tomorrow," he said, gently holding her chin between his thumb and forefinger.


After a final goodnight kiss, Nathan opened the door and left the apartment; turning around to smile at her when he felt her still standing in the doorway watching his departure.

Sighing loudly, Haley stepped back inside and closed the door. She felt her cheeks heat up when she walked back into the living room and found her two friends sitting on the couch, both women smirking at her. "What?"

"That looked hot and pretty damn intense," Jessie remarked, her dark auburn hair swinging slightly from side to side as she turned to glance at Lindsey who nodded her agreement. "And I'll bet it felt fantastic."

"Jessie!" Haley exclaimed.

"C'mon, you have to give us something, Hales. I always share my sexploits with you."

"Yeah, we know," Lindsey replied with a chuckle. "Sometimes there are things we don't need to know every little detail of."

"Amen to that," Haley chimed in. Dropping down into an armchair, she shifted her position so that she could lay her legs over the side of it. "I'm not ready to share details about Nathan. It's... too soon."

"Okay, okay," Jessie capitulated. "I'll give you a reprieve but I definitely want details at some point."

"Fine, whatever," she replied.

"So, uh, I'm surprised he left so quickly," Lindsey said.

"You and me both. I suggested we go over to his apartment to, uh... pick things up where we left off but he said he has a breakfast meeting tomorrow so..."

"You wanna be careful of guys who put work before sex," Jessie told her. "You remember that guy Greg who I dated a couple of years back… well, he was exactly the same; always fobbing me off for work so I surprised him one night at his office and fucked him on his desk."

"Jessie!" Both women shouted.

"What, I'm just saying," she replied, laughing. "If Nathan's still putting his job before you, maybe you should follow my lead. I'm sure he'd have no objection to you crawling under his desk and blo—"

"Right, that's it, I'm going to bed before you put any more disturbing images into my head," Haley said, swinging her legs around and then getting up from her seat.

"You're no fun!" Jessie said, her laughter getting louder.

"Night, Hales," Lindsey said, biting her lip to stave off her own laughter. After Haley had gone, she turned to the other young woman and said, "You're terrible."

Jessie shrugged. "Tell me something I don't know.

* * * * *

Stripping out of her clothes, Haley pulled on her robe and then headed for the bathroom. After using the facilities and brushing her teeth, she piled her hair up on top of her head, securing it with a clip, before turning on the shower and adjusting the temperature of the water. Stepping into the glass shower stall, she closed the door behind her and let the hot water cascade all over her body. She reached for her favorite raspberry scented shower crème and squirted some into her hands. Returning the bottle to its place on the shelf, she began soaping herself up; and it didn't take long for her eyes to flutter shut as she pretended her hands were Nathan's massaging the fruity scented foam into her skin. A few minutes later, as her arousal sparked and then ignited, she raised her hand to lift the shower-head off of its cradle. Adjusting the shower-head so it was now on her favorite setting, she looked at it and quietly said, "Looks like it's just you and me tonight."

Chapter Six

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