Being Boss

Title: Being Boss

Author: Diane

Pairing: Nathan/Haley

Prompt: Haley = Boss

Rating: Adult Rated

Disclaimer: I don’t own a thing!

Spoilers/Warnings: This is set after the final NH scene in episode 6.23 ‘Forever And Almost Always’ so you might want to watch it before reading this. Story contains references of a sexual nature.

Summary: The way she’d dragged him into the women’s bathroom and wasted no time in stripping his shirt off was something that would be permanently embedded into his memory.

Author’s Notes: I recently posted a comment fic meme on my personal journal and this has been written in response to Ulle’s request. I hope this is the sort of thing you were hoping for and that you like it. :)

There was something so damn sexy about his wife taking charge in bed – or out of it, for that matter – that he found such a fucking turn on.

His brother’s wedding reception earlier that night was a perfect example. The way she’d dragged him into the women’s bathroom and wasted no time in stripping his shirt off was something that would be permanently embedded into his memory. Her kisses had been hot and hungry, her talented fingers insistent and demanding as she’d taken the lead and told him exactly what she wanted.

Just thinking about it had him hard and aching for her.

A smile tugged at his lips as he remembered her role officiating the wedding… Her nervousness and rambling reminded him of the girl he’d met back in high school. Even then she could be a bossy little thing and he chuckled under his breath at how she’d turned up on his doorstep the night she’d agreed to tutor him and laid out her conditions for doing so.

He’d loved getting her all riled up during their sessions… seeing her chocolate brown eyes spark with fire while her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.

Closing his eyes, his thoughts fast-forwarded from all those years ago to the present and, specifically, just a couple of hours ago. The smile on his face widened as his mind replayed what they’d done in the bathroom and how amazing it had felt.

It had been fast and furious… their hands wandering everywhere they could reach, fingers scrabbling for purchase with the urgency of their passion… their kisses scorching as they’d practically devoured one another… their moans and harsh, ragged breaths being the only sounds audible. Well, those and the commands she’d whispered into his ear, explicitly telling him what she wanted which had had his hips rocking even more powerfully into her, bringing them closer and closer to mind-numbing pleasure.

Nathan glanced up when he heard the bathroom door open and the object of his naughty thoughts came into view wrapped in a fluffy white towel, her brunette locks piled messily on top of her head.

“Do I even have to ask what you’re smiling about over there?” Haley quipped as she approached the bed where her husband was reclining, dressed solely in a pair of black pyjama pants. Her cheeks infused with colour when she took in the red bite mark on his left shoulder.

Smirking at her, he laughed. “I’m just thinking about how much I love it when you boss me around.”

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh,” he told her. Getting up from the bed, he went over to the door and flipped the lock before turning around and facing her. “It’s so fucking hot, Hales.”

Haley shifted from foot to foot at the huskiness of his voice and her eyes were focused on his as he stalked towards her. “Nathan…”

“But now it’s my turn to be boss,” he said, his smirk deepening as he added, “Now, lose the towel.”


Sequel : Taking Charge

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